(OLD) Chapter 9:

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Zane was a ghost. Okay then. At this rate honestly, the nindroid wasn't surprised by anything.

The ice ninja looked up, seeing the capturing and colorful signs plastered on the tall buildings that could only be found in Ninjago City. He was likely dreaming then, if he was a ghost and was back in the main city. And dreams only happened when he had a vision. So, what was going to happen?

Zane then heard a howling scream and snapped his head down, eyes widening. Morro and Lloyd were surrounded by dead and bloodied bodies on all sides making a circle. Familiar bodies. He even saw himself amongst them, broken beyond repair. Lloyd, the only one of his family still alive, was laying on the ground, sobbing, as the ghost stepped off Wu, a freshly red painted sword at his side. The nindroid started bolting towards the pair, but was suddenly stopped by a barrier formed around Lloyd and Morro. Zane's systems started to overload. The nindroid tried to keep himself calm so he didn't wake himself up, he needed to know what happened, or some hint when this would happen. He needed to stop this. Zane's power source started to pulse violently as Morro raised his sword above Lloyd's chest.


The nindroid shot up, shaking violently, his circuits buzzing loudly through the quiet temple. The others instantly flew up, since most of them weren't likely sleeping at all. Zane could feel chilling ice forming on the ground under his hands as he tried to calm himself down, which wasn't working so well.

"Zane?! Are you okay?! What happened?!"

The others all asked at once, surrounding him with worried and confused faces. Pixal was trying to calm him down as well, telling him he was safe now. Zane hoped she didn't see what had happened in his d The nindroid's vision was dizzy and unfocused. That is, until he saw Morro, clear as day through the blurry vision. The wind ninja stood up from his corner and walked over to see what the commotion was about, freezing mid-step at the intense glare from Zane.


Zane spat out, standing up, pushing away the others. The nindroid stomped forward, glaring down at Morro. The ghost tried to hide his fear but ultimately failed, shrinking under the wrath filled gaze.

"You fucking stay away from us, got it? I've only been nice to you for Sensei, but if you pull any kind of shit, I won't hesitate to send you back to the shit hole you belong in."

The ghost nodded rapidly, shaking. Zane turned and stalked away, walking outside of the temple in the pouring rain. The others looked back and forth from Morro and the entrance, mouths agape. The ghost slowly stepped back, then ran back to his corner, fading from view as he reached it.

"You six, or uh five, go check on Zane and see what happened."

Wu ran after Morro, crouching near the corner. Garmadon turned towards the ninja.

"Ronin and I can stay in here. We won't be much help anyway."

The thief nodded in agreement. Cole looked down uncomfortably, before Nya rested her hand on his shoulder.

"I'll make a shield for you and make sure there's no water where you step, but this time I won't get electrocuted. Zane needs all of us right now, so that includes you."

The earth ninja smiled weakly, following behind her as the ninja walked towards the entrance. A small dome of water formed above Cole from the falling rain, the sounds of pittering and pattering following with each drop. Zane was sitting against the side of temple, his head resting on his knees folded against his chest, staring at the dark storm clouds. Cole stomped on the ground, creating a roof, blocking the rain from pouring on them. The ninja slid onto the ground next to Zane, silence following for a few minutes.

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