(OLD) Chapter 8:

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Lloyd snorted loudly.

"You think I'd be a good sensei? And how many times have I nearly died or got captured?"

Gaemadon and Lloyd sat on the edge of a building, the bright lights of flashing signs illuminating their faces against the night sky. His father chuckled, shaking his head.

"You are still quite young, there is still many years before you will be ready. The Overlord has been defeated, Ninjago is safe once more. And may I say, you look very fashionable in that golden armor."

Lloyd laughed, running a hand over his gi, which sparkled.

"I'm surprised it isn't that heavy. Though, it does get me recognized everywhere I go."

"You deserve to be, you destroyed the Overlord for good. And you saved me from myself."

"Nah, it was nothing."

"Oh, hush, you deserve to be proud of yourself. I know I am."

The blonde snorted, slightly embarrassed at the praise. They talked for a few more hours about random things, before Lloyd's phone suddenly beeped. He sighed disappointingly.

"That must be the commissioner, another criminal likely escaped."

The golden ninja stood up with a huff, holding out a hand to help his father up. Garmadon pulled his son into a hug.

"Promise me you'll be safe out there."

"Course, Dad. They don't call me a ninja for nothing."

Garmadon rolled his eyes with a scoff, releasing his son.

"See you around Dad!"

Lloyd stepped onto the ledge and tilted back, falling out of sight. The sensei raised an eyebrow, looking up as a golden dragon soared past, spinning gleefully. It roared loudly and flew deeper into Ninjago City. Lloyd waved to his dad with a grin before turning out of sight. Garmadon shook his head, smiling to himself.

"Dang kid is gonna get himself in trouble one day."

Cole flinched as a drop of rain escaped through the unfinished cracks in the wood, nearly dropping on his skin. The storm had made its way to the island quicker than the group expected, only a few hours later as they were working on fixing the hole in the side when the lightning, thunder, and rain rushed through. Luckily, Cole and Morro didn't get water on them, able to rush into the ship just in time. The seagulls actually didn't taste quite that bad, more like chewy chicken.

Kai and Nya lifted Zane up to the long opening by his feet. The titanium ninja covered the cracks with specks of ice, satisfied with water no longer dripped from them. He hopped down, earning a soft creak from the ship.

"How long do you think the storm will last?"

Garmadon turned to Zane, sitting one of the non-broken chairs they brought in from the ruined dining room.

"I'm not sure, though it definitely sounds like a big one. I just hope it doesn't fl-"

Kai and Nya smacked a hand over Zane's mouth, glaring at him.

"Don't you dare jinx us."

Nya hissed at the ice ninja. Jay and Cole snickered at the confused look on Zane's face as the siblings removed their hands.



The siblings yelled.

"You guys believe in that stuff?"

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