19 | Mission

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Reuben's POV

"Amelia , can you search hack into one of Kolton's devices or security ?"

"okay" she pulled out her laptop and started typing in numbers

"this is a bit hard , he change his location every two three hours and remove all locations of devices" as she type furiously away on the laptop "right now he is at a bar called 'the only bar' , he should be leaving in about 1 hour"

"Okay , Adam call some of our men to go to 'the only bar' now" I commanded on the phone.

"Yes bro"

Adam and I hopped into the car and start to drive off. We reach there to Kolton with a girl grinding on his lap. I saw my mens sitting near Kolton , keeping their eyes on him. I went in and sat down while I ordered a glass of whiskey.

15 minutes later , there was no sign of him doing any action apart from talking and touching girls and ordering drinks.

But , I saw one of his bodyguards going to the washroom and I was planning on attacking him right there but there was 2 other ones by his side who are trained way better than us.

5 minutes went by , I saw his guards returned and whispered something to him. He nodded to his bodyguards before following him out.

My mens and I stood up and followed him without getting noticed by his bodyguards. I saw him follow the bodyguard to a dark alley.

that's weird , why would they go there ?

I signalled my men to stay to prevent any unwanted attention drawing to us and quietly walked my way there.

Just 10 steps in , BANG.

A noise that I knew too well.

I ran towards the noise where I see his dead body on the ground and his bodyguard rubbing something of his arm.

What the fuck just happened ?

I crept towards him and said in my cold voice

"What did you do?"

"Oh I was sleeping. No shit , I obviously killed him" he proudly say.

Why would he kill him ?

"Why did you kill him ?"

"I was paid , ok seriously enough with this stupid police interrogating suspect game. I'm sick of it" he said.

I didn't expect to see Kolton dead by his own bodyguard right here.

"You are the leader of the viper gang?" He asked looking at my tattoo on my arm.

"Yes I am and you just killed a very important person that we needed."

"Why is he important ?"

"He stole some of our shipments"

"Erm well too bad he's dead already" he said

"Anyway can you go turn around for a while I need to do something"

"No I'm not turning around you are going to follow us"

"Hell no , why ?"

"You just killed him and you are dress up as a bodyguard, we need to bring you back to interrogate you"

"I am dressed as one of them because I just knock one of his men and I don't know any information about him" he continued to argued .

"You don't want to make this harder do you?" pulling out a gun aiming at him.

"You don't want it too" he said before pulling out his gun and I pulled the trigger BUT it missed an inch away from his head.

He pulled his gun out and shot me but nothing came out.

He took out his dagger from where I see his chest and he is a fucking girl ?!

What the fuck ?!

I lunged at her but she dodge it quickly.

She cut my right shoulder and I punched right in her stomach when she was about to move away.

She stepped back to try to escape and she looked at the floor where she saw a gun and picked it up before I could shoot him with the gun in her hand which is aiming at my head.

"Bro , do you need help ?" Adam walking towards me.

"I don't" I firmly said.

And I looked back at her where she was aiming at me and I saw a hell's devil tattoo.

She is the fucking famous Assassin known for her cold , ruthless and brutal personality.

She point the gun at Adam and BANG.

Adam fell down and I quickly catch his body and pulled the trigger shooting her right at her thigh when she tried to run away.

I paid no attention to her as she escaped , as right now Adam is now my number one priority.

"Adam , are you ok?" I said as I hold his right shoulder to prevent any blood from flowing out.

"I'm fine , shot at the shoulder is not that pain but you should check the wound on your shoulder" I looked at my shoulder and saw blood gushing out from the wound and it seems quite deep.

"It's fine compared to a bullet in your shoulder" I joked but it wasn't a joke it was true.

"He really likes to aim at the shoulders" Adam joked trying to stand up on his own but fell.

"Yeah , she really likes to aim at the shoulder" and realization hit him.

"WhAT , HE IS A SHE?" He shouted.

"Yeah known as hell's devil , I shot her"

"WHAT HELL'S DEVIL !! YOU SHOT HER ?! PRAY TO GOD THAT I WON'T DIE TODAY IF SHE COMES HERE" He shouted putting his hands together and started praying.

Everybody know hell's devil and wouldn't want to mess with her for how she would kill her preys.

"Let's go first and treat and your wound" I changed the topic and helped Adam to the car.

But one thought lingered in my mind.

Why didn't she shoot me ?

Iris's POV

I get off from my motorbike and quietly limped my way back to the mansion. Now with a bullet in my thigh , it's gonna get harder for me climb back up.

In the end , i managed to go back to my room without being noticed and I slumped on the floor leaning against my bed.

I took out a pair of tweezers that I have from all of the shot I had. It wasn't that many but it was enough for me to get one that I can use it instead of going to the hospital all of the time.

Besides I've seen enough times to know how to do it.

I unwrapped that was once a white clothing now became a bloody mess. I ripped a piece of my ripped clothing and stuffed it in my mouth.

I took out the bullet and I gripped on my shirt and bite down the cloth to stop a yelp from coming out.

It wasn't the most painful thing I've experienced but it was still quite painful. I'll rate it 7/10 on my scale.

After removing the bullet , I cleaned the bloody mess in my room and make sure to leave no traces behind if not I'm gonna get interrogated by 7 heads.

*that's it for chapter 19 !! hope you like it !! <3

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