Chapter 5: Time Flies

Start from the beginning

They both darted towards one another and clashed, upon collision, the ground cracked beneath them, it turned into a power struggle and Izuku was being effortlessly overwhelmed, so he quickly broke the struggle and threw a strike at Madara, but the strike was easily parried and Madara threw one right back at him, fortunately for Izuku, he ducked under the strike and went to preform a capoeira kick, he put all his weight on his hand and swung the kick towards Madara's face, but Madara, without trouble, moved his upper body and avoided the kick, he then proceeded to sweep Izuku and was ready to strike him, but Izuku quickly formed a tiger hand-sign and breathed in.

Izuku: 'Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu!'

Izuku then exhaled and a huge ball of fire came out of his mouth, Madara was a bit taken aback by the speed in which the jutsu was preformed in, but he managed to avoid it nonetheless, although, if it wasn't for his Sharingan he might've been hit. The fireball soared up into the sky and past the clouds, Madara realised that he had taken his eyes off of Izuku for a split second and tried to regain his bearings, but Izuku only needed a split second to capitalise on Madara's mistake and took the opportunity to sweep his legs, once Madara was on the ground, Izuku went to pounce on him but he was effortlessly kicked away into the forest, and without wasting time, Madara hopped back up and ran into the forest in search of Izuku. We now see Madara running in the forest with his eyes closed, he was searching for Izuku's Chakra signal but it was completely hidden.

Madara: 'Where are you hiding Izuku?'

Meanwhile, Izuku was sitting in a tree waiting for Madara to come into his line of vision, and after minutes of waiting, he spotted him, Izuku already had a plan in mind and was ready to make his move, and so, Izuku dropped down and Madara spotted him.

Madara: There you are!

Madara dashed towards Izuku at high speeds but Izuku didn't seem to be fazed, he just simply clasped his hands together to form the snake hand-sign and then slam his hand down on the ground.

Izuku: 'Doton Kekkai: Dorō Dōmu!'

As his hand made contact with the ground, the ground started breaking up making a b-line to Madara, Madara however, tried to slow down as he saw the jutsu coming towards him, but it was too late, and all of sudden, a dome was formed out of the earth, effectively trapping Madara.

Madara: 'Damnit! I was moving too quick to avoid the jutsu and now he's draining my Chakra! I need to get out-'

Madara's thinking was cut off as he heard three terrifying words from outside the dome.

Izuku: Katon: Gouka Mekkyaku!

Madara paled slightly as he heard the jutsu's name, he quickly jumped up with as much force as he could muster and broke through the top of the dome, as he was in the air he got a perfect view of the majestic flames completely incinerating the dome he was just in, the only remains of the dome was ashes.

Madara: 'He has definitely improved, I nearly got roasted alive'

Madara, still having the momentum from his jump, made a plus sign with his two middle and index fingers, this caused a lot of puffs of smoke to appear and once they cleared up, clones of Madara were seen all across the sky, the real Madara looked down to try and spot Izuku, and he did, but he wasn't exactly excited at what he saw, Izuku had made a tiger hand-sign and a big orb of water formed above his head.

Izuku: 'Suiton: Suiryūben!'

Izuku: 'Suiton: Suiryūben!'

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