Chapter 57: The Death Of Sirius Black

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"Stupefy!" I cried at one and they went flying. Everyone broke out into a run a different way.

I heard a crash and turned to see all the prophecies falling. A few seconds later I met up with the rest of them.

"Get back to the door!" Harry called. We kept running away from all the falling prophecies. We ran through a door and started falling. Hermoien quickly said a spell that stopped us before we hit the floor. We all got to our feet and looked around. The room was empty except for an archway in the middle.

"Department of Mysteries. They got that bit right, didn't they?" Ron said. Harry started walking to an arch in the middle.

"The voices. Can you tell what they're saying?" He asked, walking closer to the arch.

"There aren't any voices, Harry. Let's get out of here." Hermoine said.

"I hear them too." Luna said.

"Harry, it's just an empty archway. Please Harry." Hermoine said.

"Get behind me." Harry said and we all did.

A black fog came flying through. I tried to fight it off but I felt myself get lifted then before I knew it I was being held by Bellatrix Lestrange. She held her wand to my throat. I let out a whimper.

"I knew you would be back in my grip soon." She said, I whimpered and shook in her grip.

"Did you actually believe or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?" Lucius asked. "I'll make this simple for you Potter, Give me the prophecy now or watch your friend die." Harry looked around.

"I wonder." Bellatrix said before moving her wand to my side and pushing it into one of my scars where she had Crucio'd me. I let out a painfiled scream. "Oh! I did go deep enough. Or I just cut you enough. Either way." She said before poking her wand in again. I let out another scream.

"Bellatrix, stop antagonizing her, you have done enough to that poor girl." Lucius said, giving me a pitiful look. "I told Potter we would not kill his friends until he made the choice." Lucius said. She pulled her wand away and brought it back to my throat. Harry raised his hand and put the prophecy into Lucius' hand.

A bright white light appeared. "Get away from my godson." Sirius said before punching Lucius in the face. A few seconds later more bright lights appeared. Lupin fired a spell at Bellatrix and she dropped me. I fell to the floor and crawled away. I was greeted by Remus.

"Are you ok?" He asked me. "You're bleeding." He said pointing to where Bellatrix had poked.

"I am fine." I said. He gave me another look before running off. Neville joined me a second later.

"Neville, stay down." I said.

"What are you going to do?" He asked.

"Fight." I said getting up.

I fired a spell at a death eater that was about to hurt Tonks. I looked up to see Sirius and Harry fighting Lucius. I fired a spell at another death eater before running up to where Sirius was. He gave me a slight smile but it disappeared fast. I turned to see that Bellatrix had thrown a spell at him. He fell into the vail. It took me a second to realize what had just happened.

"DAD!" I screamed running to the vail. When I got close I tripped and fell. I go to my and looked at the Archway. Remus grabbed Harry to keep him from running into the vail. Harry let out a breaking scream but I was to nub to even register it. Harry turned to see Bellatrix running away. I saw it too. Harry broke free of Remus and started running, I got up and started running too but was stopped by arms around me. I thrashed in them trying to break free.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed and felt magic come out of me. I looked back to see Kingsley holding me.

"Kingsley let me go!!" I said thrashing. "Let me kill her!" I said trashing even more. "It is the least she deserves!" I felt my magic start to gather. "Kingsley. Let. Me. Go." I said slightly burning him with a mental spell.

"Remus!" He called. Remus saw me trashing and attacking Kingsley.

"I am sorry Lily." He said before saying something I never thought he would. "Stun her." He said. I heard a stupefy and I felt myself go limp in Kingsleys arms.

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