Chapter 53: Noble House Of Black

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I was sitting with George in the kitchen talking to Mr. Wesley when I saw Hermoine and Ron walk out the door. I looked but did not see Harry follow. "Will you excuse me?" I said walking out of the kitchen. When I walked a little farther I saw Harry and Sirius talking in the room with the family tree on it.

"Talking about the most Noble And Ancient House Of Black?" I asked standing in the doorway.

"Yes." Sirius said.

"Lily, why are you not on this wall?" Harry asked.

"Well up until Snape outed me last year. No one knew I was a Black including the Blacks. Besides dad he knew." I said walking to the family tree.

Sirius pointed to a spot that had his name and scorch mark.

"My mother did that after I ran away," he said. "Charming woman." He said. I laughed a little. "I was 16." I never had heard this story.

"Where did you go?" Harry asked.

"Your dads. I was always welcomed at the Potter's. I see him so much in you, Harry. You are so very much alike." Sirius said.

"I'm not so sure." Harry said. "Sirius when I saw Mr. Weasley get attacked, wasn't just watching. I was the snake. And afterwards. In Dumbledore's office, there was a moment when I wanted to." He took a deep breath. "This connection between me and Voldemort is that I am becoming more like him? I just feel so angry all the time. And what if after everything I have been through something inside me is going wrong and I am becoming bad?" Harry asked.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You are a very good person who bad things have happened to. You understand? Besides, this world is not spread into good people and death eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we chose to act on. That's who we really are." Sirius finished.

A knock at the door frame caught our attention.

"Harry, time to go." Hermoine said.

"When all this is over, we'll be a proper family. You'll see." Sirius said, sending Harry on his way.

"Lily?" Sirius asked.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You will be a part of that family. Don't think I forgot about you. I love you." He said ,hugging me.

"I know. I love you too." I said, hugging him back.

"Please write to me." I said walking away.

"I wish I could walk you to the platform." He said.

"I know but I will have Lupin." I said.

"Ok go, you will miss your train. I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said walking out of the house.

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