Chapter 30: The Second Task

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"No?" Harry asked, walking closer to me.

"I said no. I will not write to Lupin to find out more for you." I said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because it took me my whole life to learn that! I will not ask him to put himself in the pain that he gets every time he talks about his friends. It kills him to talk about his friends because of the way they ended. One of his best friends died, the other went to prison and the other one disappeared. I will not hurt him so you can fill some void you have about not having your parents!" I said. I instantly regretted it.

"You think I am trying to fill a void?" Harry asked, annoyed.

"Yes. You know nothing about your parents and their life and you can't handle that I do!" I said walking away.

"Give me back the map!" Harry yelled.

"What did you say to me?" I asked, turning around slowly.

"I said give me back the map. It belongs to me." Harry said.

"No, it does not belong to you." I said walking back to him.

"Yes it does." Harry said blankly. "I am the child of a marauder so therefore it belongs to me."

"I am a child of a marauder too. And I was raised by another so it belongs to me more than you." I said.

"You don't deserve that map." Harry said. Everything froze.

"I don't deserve it?" I asked.

"No." He said blankly.

"If anyone does not deserve it, it's you. You didn't even know who the Marauders were until I just told you." I said annoyed.

He had nothing to say.

"I gave you a gift Harry. I told you more about your parents and you end it like this. You want more? Go ask yor father's enemy. I am sure he would have some storys. By the way I left the map on your bed. " I said walking up the stairs to my dorm.

I laid down face first onto the mattress. When I woke up again it was 9 am.

"Crap!" I said. The second task started at 9:30. I looked around for Hermoine but did not find her. I did however see George and Fred whispering in a corner.

"Hey boys, what's up?" I said walking over to them. "WIll you ever tell me what you guys are always whispering about?" I said.

"In due time darling." George said, kissing my left cheek.

"Yes in due time darling." Fred said, kissing my right cheek.

I let out a little laugh.

"I guess it is true that twins share everything.' I laughed. They both smiled.

"Do you guys mind if I sit with you guys during the second task? I can't find Hermoine." I said.

"Would want nothing less." George said, taking my hand.

"Me either." Fred said, taking my other hand.

"Fred, while this is sweet and I know it is a joke and so does George, if we walk down the hall like this others will think it is weird." I said.

"She has a point." George said.

"Alright, fine." Fred said, dropping my hand.

We walked down to the pond and sat down. I saw the four champions standing on the dock. I saw Harry who looked away when he saw me.

"I feel bad." I said putting my head in my hands.

"Why?" Fred asked.

"For what I said to Harry last night." I said, sighing.

"I know he deserved it. He was being very ungrateful for all you told him." George said.

"Yeah I guess." I said, laying my head on George's shoulder.

The four champions jumped into the water.

"How long will they be gone?" I asked.

"No clue." Fred said.

We talked about random things while we waited. Cedric was the first one back with Cho. Fluer came out of the water with no one. I guess she had pulled out of the water. Krum was back next with Hermoine. I got up when I saw her. She gave me a small wave a thumbs up saying that she was ok. A long time had passed and Harry was not back yet. The timer ran out and Harry was still not back yet.

"Where is Harry?" I heard someone ask.

"I have no clue." Another answered.

A little bit later Ron and what looked to be Fleur's little sister came floating up to the top. Harry joined them a few seconds later. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. In the end Cedric came in first followed by Harry who got second because he was there first and he saved two people instead of just one. Krum came in third. Fluer came in last. It was at this moment that I realized Fluer had won no tasks. 

Lily BlackWhere stories live. Discover now