Chapter 20: Visitor

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I layed on my bed reading my last note I had gotten from dad which was my sorting. I loved Lupin and I am grateful he raised me but I wish my dad could raise me. I heard a knock on the door then Lupin saying something and the door closed again.

"Lily, someone is here for you!" He called.

"Coming Lupin!" I called back, sliding off my bed.

I don't know why but as I walked down the stairs part of me hoped it was Sirius but I knew it was not. I opened the door to see a man with red hair standing there.

"Hello darling." He said, looking at me.

"George!" I said, giving him a hug.

"I figured we did not get to talk much towards the end of last year so I made a house call as the muggles call it." He said putting me down.

"Come in." I said pulling him inside. "We can go hang out in my room." I said pulling him up the stairs.

"Keep the door open!" Lupin called.

"Don't you have a job to find? Seeing as you quit the last one." I said. I got a laugh out of George.

"I know it is kind of small but it's home." I said opening the door to my room. There was a twin bed on one of the walls and a desk across from it. On the opposite side of the room was a dresser.

"I have a small house too." He said smiling.

"Lils!" Remus called from down stairs.

"Yes?" I called looking over the banister.

"I am going to get food for the week. I will be back soon. 6 feet apart!" He called as he left.

We sat down on my bed.

"I love when you visit but why have you come?" I asked, laying my head into his lap.

"Well I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the Quidditch world cup. My dad got tickets. Ron is bringing Hermoine and Harry so I asked if I could bring you." He said, smiling at me.

"I would love to. I am not sure what Lupin would think." I said. "I know he likes your parents, Merlin. He went to school with them, But he is super protective over me." I said.

"We can ask him when he gets back." Geroge said. I gave a nod. We sat there talking about our summers for a long time until I heard the door closed.

"Now or never." I said smiling. I got up and he followed me down the stairs.

"Hello again George." Lupin said unloading the bags.

"I had a question, Mr. Lupin." George said.

"Please call me Remus, or even Lupin like Lily." He said smiling.

"Ok Lupin, My family is going to the Quidditch world cup and I was wondering if Lily could come with us." George said, looking at me. I gave a smile.

"I would like to let her go George but I don't know if she should. I mean she has been a little kept out of the eyes of the ministry for a long time and I don't really want her to be in a place with so many of them in one spot. I know she would love to go but I just am not sure if its the best choice for her." Lupin said, looking away.

"I understand Sir. I will see you at Hogwarts Lily." He said kissing my check and walking out. I stood in the kitchen in shock.

"Lupin really?" I asked as he walked off.

"It was the best choice." Lupin said, walking over to the desk in his room. His room was very plain. Bed, desk, dresser and that was it.

"Why?" I asked as he dug through his desk.

He pulled out two notes. He handed them to me.

"I looked at the two notes. One said "For when you get a boyfriend." And the other one said "When Lupin makes a choice you don't like probably due to a boy."

"How many notes are there?" I asked, looking at the notes. He gave a shrug.

"I got a note of my own. Said to read the names on the notes and give them to you when you went through that phase or thing in your life. He gave me a list of all of the names. He told me not to tell you how many there were so that you keep some mystery in the notes." He said.

"Thanks I guess.." I said walking out of his room with the notes. I walked to my room and sat down on my bed looking at the notes. I picked up the "For when you get a boyfriend" Labeled one and opened it.

"Dearest Lily,

I have to come up with a new way to start these. Anywho if you're reading this then I guess you got a boyfriend. How silly that I won't be there but trust me I will know. Dads always know. I have instructed Lupin to scratch him if he is horrible to you. I doubt he will do it but he might. This one is on the shorter side but I wanted to let you know that you don't need a man to be happy. Know that if he treats you wrong, tell Lupin or since you are my daughter give him a good jinks.

Anyway I said I would keep it on the shorter so I am going to do that.

Love you always, your dad,

Sirius Black."

I looked over the note. This was the funniest note I had gotten from him. I looked at the second one. "When Lupin makes a choice you don't like probably due to a boy"

"So Lily,

Moony made a stupid choice you don't agree with. I am guessing it is most likely due to a boy. If he made it he made it because he thought it was the best option for you. While he may seem like a stick in the mud or a person who has no fun he made the choice because of how much he loves you. Don't doubt his love for you over a stupid choice. I would not have left you with him unless I knew you would be safe and kept out of harm's way. I trusted him with my daughter the most important thing in my life so I trust his judgement.

I love you Lily,

Your father." 

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