Chapter 39: Crucio

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The next day Wormtail came and dragged me out of the cage. He threw me in front of Bellatrix.

"Why not have some fun with you while you are here?" She asked, pulling out her wand. "Crucio!" She called as it hit me. As I was already on the floor I just fell backwards. I writhed in pain. I made no sound.

"Crucio!" She fired again. It felt as if my bones were breaking and were on fire. I wanted to scream and cry but I knew that is what she wanted. "So won't you make a sound for a Crucio? Lets try seeing into your mind. Finding out those order secrets." Bellatrix said.

Wormtail picked me up and held me to her face. She looked into my eyes. I felt her trying to push her way through but Lupin had taught me a little Occlumency. I pushed Bellatrix out and for a split second went into her mind. I saw her time in Azkaban going crazy.

"Get out!" She yelled, pushing me out of her mind. "Drop her." Wormtail followed her order and dropped me to the ground with a thud. "Crucio!" She fired again. I started to let out a whimper but held it in.

She stopped for a second. "So you're strong?" Bellatrix asked.

"They're gonna come for me." I said laying on the ground.

"Who?" Bellatrix yelled.

"My dad, Lupin, and Moody, and Tonks, And Kingsley and Arthur." I said laying on the ground.

"That's the plan." Narcissa said, coming into view.

"Crucio!" Bellatrix fired again.

"Bella, I think that is enough for today. You don't want to kill her do you? You have taken out some of your anger. Wormtail take her back to the cell." Narcissa said. It hurt to walk so he dragged me back to the cell and threw me in.

"My dad and Lupin are going to kill you for this! Harry won't be there this time to stop them." I said to Peter.

I laid on the floor crying.

"Here take this." Narcissa said, handing me a potion and water through the bars of my cage.

"Why? Are you trying to poison me?" I asked.

"No. I am trying to help you heal. While I don't like your father, you're the same age as Draco. He is just a boy who got...special parents and you're just a girl who got stuck with Sirius Black." She said standing there. "Besides, like you have said I am your second cousin. If you tell anyone I was here it will stop." She said walking away.

"Rise and shine." Wormtail said as he came in and dragged me out of the cage.

"Ah." Bellatrix said, turning to face me. "My play thing is here. I was thinking we would try something new. Does that work for you?" She asked then let out a laugh that sounded as crazed as she was.

She reached behind her and pulled out a dagger. My breath caught in my throat. She walked closer holding it out.

"Please don't." I whispered. I was barely conscious when I made it back to my cell. Narcisssa came in moments later.

"Lily, I am so so sorry. I had no idea she was going to do that." Narcissa reached for the keys off the wall and opened my cage door. She walked inside and sat down.

"What are you doing?" I asked, standing in the far corner of my cage out of fear.

"I am going to help treat you. I doubt you could do it yourself with the state you're in and I don't want you going back to the Order completely mangled. It would do horors to our reputation." She laughed. " I am not going to hurt you." She said seeing my waver. I walked closer and sat down in front of her. She lifted what little was left of the back of my shirt and started to put something on the cuts. It stung. "It's ditany. It will heal you, you may have faint scars but it will be better.

She sat while she helped me. Then she got up and left. Leaving me alone.

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