Chapter 16: Three Turns

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Before I passed out I saw a stag and a bird coming towards us fighting off the dementors.

When I came too I was in the medical wing.

"I saw my dad." I heard Harry say. So he saw the stag and the bird too.

"What?" Hermoine asked.

"He sent the dementors away." Harry said. "I saw him across the lake."

"Listen Harry, Lily, they have captured Sirius. Any minute now the dementors are gonna perform the kiss." Hermoine said.

"We need to save him." I said sitting up. But I fell right back down. I felt so weak.

"So they're going to kill him? Harry asked.

"No, it's worse. Much much worse." Hermoine said.

"They're going to suck out his soul." I said. "It does not kill then it just leaves them as a shell."

Dumbledore came in.

"Headmaster , you have got to stop them." Hermoine said.

"They've got the wrong man." Hermoine said.

"Its' true. Sirius is innocent." I said walking up to him.

"First off I think you mean your dad Miss. Black." He said.

"It's scabbers who did it." Ron said.

"Scabbers?" Dumbledore asked.

"He is my rat, sir. He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat." Ron said.

"Headmaster, Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew. He is an animagus. My dad is innocent. Peter made it look like my dad did it but it was Peter who turned the Potters in." I said.

"We know the truth, please believe us." Dumbledor said.

"I do, Miss Granger and Miss Black. But I am sorry to say the words of 4 13-year-old wizards, one of which is the man in question's daughter, will convince few others. A child's voice however honest and true. Is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen." Dumbledor said.

The bell chimed. "Mysterious thing, time, powerful and when meddled with, dangerous, Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark tower. You know the laws Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns should do it, I think." Dumbeldor said walking off. "Oh and when In doubt I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin."

"What the bloody hell was that about?" Ron asked.

"Sorry, Ron but seeing as you can't walk." Hermoine said putting the necklace over me and Harry.

She turned it and I saw everything go backwards.

"What just happened?" Harry asked.

"Where's Ron?" Harry asked.

"7:30. Where were we at 7:30?" Hermoine asked.

"I don't know. Going to Hagrids?" I said.

"Come one and we can't be seen." Hermoine said, leading us out of the medical wing.

"Hermoine." Harry said.

We ran down the steps and out through the courtyard.

"Hermoine! Hermione, wait." Harry said.

"Hermoine, will you please tell me what it is we're doing?" Harry asked. I peeked around the corner to see Hermoine about to punch Draco.

"That's us." Harry said. "This is not normal."

Hermoine pushed Harry against the wall "This is a time-turner Harry." She said pulling out a necklace with a circle and an hourglass on it. "McGonagall gave it to me for the first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year."

"You mean we've gone back in time?" Harry asked.

"Yes." I said.

"How do you know?" Harry asked.

"I trust Hermoine, Plus did you not see everything going backwards? That was kinda a dead give away."

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