The machine opened and they ran out, down a dark orange carpeted hallway into a dim room. Namjoo hurriedly tossed off her mini crossbody bag. Arms went around his neck. Lips locked, tongues brushing, teeth clashing but he tasted good and the fire only grew bigger. Imagining how he'd look naked, hard and ready for her. His strong body thrusting into her. How he might look above and under her. Her hands wanted to touch every inch of him.

She wanted him. She wanted him so bad.

Namjoo gasped when he shoved her back into the door. This time she was not looking at the man, but into Sehun's hungrily laced eyes. Her swollen lips parted, waiting for him to take her. When he did, she was the first to undress for him.

She remembered exactly how he felt between her legs. The definite way he built up the desire as their bodies merged and she traced his muscles thinking he was perfectly handsome. How he teased yet made her feel so good that night.

Gasping Namjoo's eyes flung open. Pushing an utterly confused Chanyeol off she slid out from under him. The aftermath of their extreme makeout clung onto her sweaty body gluing her shirt to her torso.

"I...I have to go use the bathroom." She excused calling out as she dashed off, "Why don't you call for takeout?"

Slamming the door shut she ran over to the sink splashing water onto her face.

She remembered. It was all on her.



Pressing a button and two. He was done. Sehun had just purchased a ticket to the show Namjoo was producing. Excited now he couldn't wait for D-day.

He turned when his doorbell went off. Shutting off the laptop he went to unlock the door. Chanyeol held up a plastic bag.

"Food delivery." He chimed.

"Dude, it's," Sehun glanced at his watch, "almost ten."

Shrugging, Chanyeol asked, "Can I come in?"

Stepping back Sehun let him in. "Don't you work tomorrow?"

"Hey, some people run on an hour of sleep," Chanyeol pointed out. "What's missing a few hours of sleep gonna hurt?"

Making himself comfortable at the dining table, Chanyeol began sorting out the Italian takeout. A carton and then another.

"What's with the visit." Sehun joined him.

"Leftovers," Chanyeol told. "Namjoo didn't want them and I thought maybe you could use some food. Hotel food can't be that trustworthy."

Out of all the words coming out of Chanyeol's mouth, only one caught Sehun's attention. Clearing his throat, he decided to play it cool.

"How's work?"

"I have a training seminar coming up." Chanyeol leaned into the chair.

"What's that mean?"

"It's out of the city, so I'll have to fly out for it."

Doing a quick math sent a light bulb flicking on over Sehun's head.

"Then you won't be in the city?" Sehun asked.

"For several days." Chanyeol answered.

"Then," Sehun wondered, "what about your girlfriend?"

"She's producing a musical. It's been keeping her busy these days. It'd be nice to have her go with me, but work is work." Chanyeol explained.

"So, you've never been to a rehearsal?" Sehun questioned.

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