"Kaa-san how long are you gonna just stand here? Go now" said Menma. Kushina walked towards Naruto carrying the bowl of food in her hands, looking at Naruto's face after such a long time was too emotional for Kushina but she tried hard to suppress the tears forming in her eyes. "N-naruto I-i have made your favorite Ramen" said Kushina in a hoarse voice as she handed Naruto the bowl of ramen. Naruto had a small smile on his face as he looked at the bowl of ramen. The smile he had was not because of happiness or excitement....it was a sad smile, smile which people use to mask their sadness and Kushina knew this smile very well. Naruto just looked at the bowl of his favorite ramen for a minute without even touching the spoon which disturbed Kushina "p-please eat it...I a-asked Teuchi-san f-for the recipe. O-or is it n-not like how you want t-thats why y-you are not eating it? L-let me taste it" said Kushina as she took the bowl in her hands and tasted a spoon of Ramen "It is perfect I guess..p-please try it Naruto" Kushina was now almost begging Naruto to eat it with tears forming in her eyes, Kushina had prepared the dish with all her heart pouring in it. The ramen she served Naruto was not just simply a dish to consume but it was a way for her to ask for Naruto's forgiveness.....for Kushina this single bowl of ramen worth the world for her.

"Kaa-san I can't eat this. Not because I don't want to but because I cannot. I am a Reanimation now and Reanimation can't consume anything, this body of mine is dead and dead bodies cant eat anything" said Naruto. Hearing this Kushina dropped the bowl in her hand, her son is dead and she knew it yet her heart didn't wanted to accept this, she couldn't hold it anymore as crumbled on her knees and cried on Naruto's lap, all her sadness all her guilt flowing out through her tears "I am so sorry Naruto I didn't believed you that day and look what I caused you I am the worst mother ever.." Kushina kept on crying on Naruto's lap asking for forgiveness.
On other hand Menma and Narumi couldn't bear the sight as they ran off to the living room wiping off tears from their eyes "He can't eat and yet we offered him his favorite dish....we are the worst" said Menma to which Narumi nodded in agreement "so when are we going to apologize to him?" asked Narumi. "I don't know...I don't even have guts to look into his eyes." replied Menma. In meantime they heard loud footsteps approaching towards them, as they turned around they saw Minato walking towards them "Did he eat it? What did he said?" asked Minato with a lot of hope in his eyes.

Menma and Narumi glanced at each other for a moment and turned their head down in shame "oye tell me what happened? What did he said?".

"H-he said he cant eat it as he is a dead body and Reanimations can't consume anything." said Narumj with teary eyes. Minato eyes widened after listening this
"Y-yeah I forgot...Reanimations can't eat" said Minato in hoarse voice as he sat on the sofa with his hand covering his eyes "hey hey Tou-san if we apologize to Naruto nii-san then will he forgive us?" asked Menma as he kneeled before his father and caught his hands "We had done terrible things to him which can't be forgiven, it is because of us that he is dead, but still....but still asking for forgiveness is the only thing we can do. And he will forgive both of you...Afterall he is your eldest brother" said Minato. This gave Menma and Narumi a ray of hope, words of their father were really helpful for them. As Menma stood on his feet he saw Naruto and Kushina walking down the stairs and coming to the living room, both of them stood still and looked at each other signaling for whom to approach him first "I will go" whispered Menma as he walked towards Naruto. Soon Menma and Naruto were standing facing at each other, Menma brought himself to look into Naruto's eyes but as soon as he lifted his head to meet Naruto the guilt came flooding towards him, Naruto's stoic expression and dead blue eyes were piercing through him 'he is scary' thought Menma. "Nii-san please forgi--" before Menma could finish his face was met with a tight slap from Naruto. The sound of the slap made the surroundings pale, the room went silent, Minato, Kushina and Narumi all were shocked after seeing this. "Naruto please don't--" Kushina stepped forward to save Menma but she was stopped in her tracks "No Kaa-san, hit me a hundred or thousand times Nii-san but please forgive me. I will take this as a punishment hit me how hard you want but please forgive me" sobbed Menma.

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