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It has been 2 hours since Naruto had met his parents who put a seal on him.
Naruto's hands and legs were locked in the chains. He was not given any food or single drop of water in the prison, he was treated like a rapist already even though he is not proven guitly yet. Soon Naruto heard sound of a gate was his cell's gate. He saw a person coming towards him, 'N-Neji' he thought when he looked at the person who has visited him. Neji came towards him cracking his knuckles and Byakugan activated. "Hmmm...your chakra networks have stopped infusing chakra, looks like seal is working well" said Neji while examining Naruto with his Byakugan. "Neji how-how is Hinata is she ok now ? Has she..." before Naruto could finish his sentence he was hit hard on his face by Neji. "Don't take her name with your stinky mouth you bastard. And about Hinata...well she has made the best decision in her life" said Neji. Naruto could feel the hatred and anger of Neji in that punch, just that one punch on his face made him dizzy.

"Even you think that I did that to her?" asked Naruto. "I think? Fuck it I am hundred percent sure it is you. I would always find you sticking to her , being with her everytime and finding a way to talk to her...I should have known your intention back then" said Neji by pulling Naruto's face up by his hairs. "I did that because I....' Naruto stopped before he could say further. 'This is no place to confess about my feelings' thought Naruto. "Cut it now, I did not come here to talk with you...I came here to ask you why...why did you stabbed us? Why did you do such horrible thing to her?" Said Neji. Naruto remained silent. What could he say anyways. 'I didnt do it'  or 'why would I do it ' was all he could say, no one seemed to trust him on this. All he had were his Family
and freinds thats it. His family already doubts him, his only hope was his friends.

"Why are you silent, tell me why.." screamed Neji as he started punching Naruto "why.....why.....whyyyy!!" Neji recklessly started punching and kicking  Naruto with all might he could muster, some on jaw , some on his cheeks, some on his stomach , some on his chest, some on his legs...


Neji was sweating and was exhausted of beating Naruto. His hands were soaked with Naruto's blood. Its been 5 minutes since he is continuously hitting Naruto but all Naruto said was , I didn't do it or
please believe me or stop it hurts a lot. Naruto was begging
Neji for mercy. His face was swollen, his eyes were swollen, his nose was bleeding, his stomach had become numb due to numerous kicks he recieved on it . "You are tough one...I don't think you will accept it easily." Said Neji as he again punched Naruto.
Naruto was helpless, tied in chains with seal on his head. He couldn't even utter a word due to extreme pain he had recieved from someone with whom he had spent almost 5 years. He could feel every bone in his body hurt. "Not today maybe not even tomorrow, but someday you will definitely accept your crime...I won't allow you to get out of this so easily" said Neji as he left his cell.

Naruto was just waiting for the time when he would be called in the court so that his friends would save him, 'thats what friends do right' thought Naruto as he was left in his cell.


4 hour later.

Finally the time had come for Naruto to be tried in the court. "Your time has come boy, soon you will regret what you have done when you will be hanged" said an Anbu who was holding Naruto's hand and taking him to the court. Along with Naruto there were four Anbus who made sure that he doesn't escape.

When he got inside the court he saw  Three great Sanins who were judges and other important figures sitting in the audience section. As he moved further to stand in suspect box he saw his father and mother sitting in the front row of the audience section with their heads down. Present in the court was every Hyuga who gave him a death glare.

'There he is'

'That fucking monster'

'He is the one who tried to rape the Hyuga right?'

'Why do people like him even exist'

Naruto could hear people whisper as he stood in his suspect box. He never imagined him to someday walk the stairs of court, that too for a crime as bad as rape. He wanted this to be a dream and to someone to wake him up.

"So Naruto Namikaze you are.." Tsunade started to address the crime and the suspect but was interrupted by Minato. "He is no longer a Namikaze" said Minato with angry eyes. 'No longer a Namikaze? What does that mean? Am I not his son anymore? I am yet to be proven guitly then why..' thought Naruto in disbelief. "Sorry for inconvenience. So Naruto you are accused for attempting to rape Hinata Hyuga and have some evidences against you to make you a prime suspect...". " I didn't do anything what the fuck is wrong with you all, Tou-san ,kaa-san what makes you think that I would do something like this. I am your own child don't you have trust on me..." screamed Naruto with pain in his voice. He finally let out all of his pain through his words which he was trying to supress for so long. "Keep quiet Naruto, don't use abusive languages in this holy place." Scolded Orochimaru who was sitting beside Tsunade. "Also you are no longer their child...they have officially disowned you" said Tsunade.

Naruto was shocked. He was disowned by his parents. He had tears in his eyes but tried his best to suppress them. "So Naruto what do you want to say in your defense" asked Jiraiya who was the third judge. "I really didn't do anything to her....I was just running in the forest when I saw her lying on the ground. When I tried to wake her up that's when you guys came" said Naruto. "Is there anyone who had seen you running that day? Any evidence?" Asked Tsunade. "No, no one had actually seen me running because I do my training in secret but do you have any evidence to prove me guitly. "said Naruto. "Well about evidence....there were many people along with Neji and her own father who saw you alone with the Hyuga when she was naked, also we have your fingerprints on victim's clothes " said Orochimaru. "What?? My fingerprints on-on her clothes how...." then Naruto realised how his fingerprints were on his clothes.' When I tried to push away the pile of clothes...thats when..' thought Naruto.
"Say something now why did you stop huh?" Screamed Hiashi with anger from the audience section. "A-actually at first I didn't know who it was because her clothes were on top of her so-so I tried to push them off to see who it was and thats how I got my fingerprints on them" said Naruto.

"Lies, everything is a lie...first he says he was running secretly in winter morning although he is a lazy ass and then he has another excuse prepared. How can all things be so ideal" screamed Neji. "Do you think we will buy it?" Screamed another Hyuga. "That monster...we already have evidences against him so why not just declare a punishment against him" said Hiashi." Yes thats what, we all know what is the punishment for rape...public execution" said another Hyuga to which every villager started to yell in unison , "yes public execution, execute him, clean our land from this stain".

"Silence please...evidences are not enough to prove him guilty though enough to make him a strong suspect." Said Jiraiya.

The session continued. No one stood for Naruto. Everyone came up with their own accusations. Some said that they had seen him removing Hinata's clothes while some said that they never saw him running. Though all were baseless, none of them was held long for.

"Today's time is over. Next date for the court is after two days on same time, till then the court has been dismissed" said Tsunade.


Timeskip after 2 hours.

Naruto was sitting in his cell...locked in chains. He was hungry, he had not eaten this in whole day. "Give me something to eat...I have not eaten for a day please give me something to eat" screamed Naruto. "Oye stinky rat shut your mouth....take this and push it inside your throat" said a prison guard as he threw three pieces of bread inside his cell. Naruto quickly grabbed the pieces of bread with chain locked hands and started eating it like an wild animal. 'It tastes so good even though its plain it feels like its the best bread I have ever eaten' thought Naruto.

That was the most horrible night for Naruto. He was disowned.  He slept the night thinking about how he should react to this when he is proven innocent. Little by little his faith was getting crushed as he thought how his own family thinks that he is a rapist. He silently cried at his situation. 'I should have never gone for practice today' he thought.


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