9 - The Great Crofter's Heist (Sanders Sideskicks AU)

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There is no way they were pulling off this mission without something going wrong.


'Alright, does everyone remember their roles?' A chorus of animal noises is heard in response.

'In that case, operation: The Great Crofter's Heist is now in motion!'

On cue, Puffball, Storm, and Lady scurry over to the kitchen counter. Once there, Puffball makes sure to stand still as possible while Storm climbs up on top of him, followed by Lady who skillfully leaps onto the counter with Storm in tow.

'Nice work. Time for phase 2.'

Icarus then flies up towards the cabinet that contained all of his owner's stash of Crofter's jams, with Sylvia grasped securely in his talons. Once close enough, the banana ball python lurches forward and coils her upper half body around the cabinet's handle. Icarus waits until she's gotten a good grip before carefully pulling back, successfully getting the cabinet door open.

'Can't believe we're actually doing this...' Storm grumbles with a shake of his head.

'Oh just shush and give me a boost over here.'

The Bombay Cat rolls his eyes but goes over to the fennec fox, allowing her to get up onto his back as she prepares herself to pounce.

'Be careful.'

'Oh I'm always careful, Stormy.'

With a little show of wiggling her rear, Lady pounces up onto the cabinet, letting out a triumphant, 'hah!' before gaping at the dozens of Crofter's jams neatly piled inside.

'Holy Hera! Is this heaven??'

Just then, the animals hear a couple of woosh sounds from the living room, followed by the sound of voices that no doubt belonged to their owners.

'Abort mission! Abort mission!' Storm yells frantically as he shoots Lady a look that says, "get down from there, NOW."

Lady just huffs and shakes her head, being just as determined and stubborn as her owner, 'No way! We can still pull this off if we hurry!'

'Ooh ooh! I can distract them while you guys finish up!'

'Oh! Good idea Puffba- '

Lady doesn't get to finish as the Pomeranian was already dashing out of the kitchen to greet his owner with licks.

"Oh! Heya buddy!" Patton chuckles as he's covered in doggy kisses, "It's good to see you too!"

Icarus steals a quick glance at the living room before nodding towards Lady.

'They're distracted. Take one and let's go!'

Lady nods and starts pushing a jar towards the edge of the cabinet. When it was about an inch off the ledge, she takes a few steps back before charging forward and knocking it right off.

Now it was all up to Bandit, who was assigned the job of catching the jam with a pillow so it wouldn't break or make much noise when he catches it.

Acting fast, the raccoon holds up the pillow with both hands and...

Successfully catches the jar!

The other animal counterparts cheer!

Up until Bandit drops it a few seconds later...

Which causes the jar to break...

And alerts the Sides of their failed heist attempt.

"What is going on in here?"

Sanders Sides AU One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon