9 - The Great Crofter's Heist (Sanders Sideskicks AU)

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It was quiet in the Mindscape today.

Thomas had summoned all the Sides earlier for another emergency meeting- and knowing how long those meetings lasted, they won't be returning anytime soon, leaving the Sideskicks to casually wander free around the Mindscape without any supervision.

They really should have known better.

Because right now, the six animal counterparts are currently in the middle of their own emergency meeting. Not for a discussion of feelings or self-identity and whatnot, but to devise a plan to retrieve a sacred treasure hidden in one of the kitchen cabinets.

Yes, you probably guessed it.


Icarus loved the berry flavored jam just as much as his owner does, so he wasn't passing up an opportunity to get another taste of its delectable goodness.

So what if he was sort of going behind his owner's back?

He personally finds his reasoning to be quite justified, especially with the knowledge that Logan himself would do anything to get his hands on a jar of that sweet sacred jelly.

'What's the plan, Bird Brain?' Lady communicates to Icarus and everyone else through their shared mind link.

'Firstly, don't call me Bird Brain, and secondly, we'll have to work together to make sure this plan doesn't end in disaster.'

'I mean, what's a little damage going to do, huh?' Bandit plops himself down on his bum with crossed arms.

Storm glares at the raccoon with bright, glowing purple eyes, 'Our owners trusted us to behave while they were gone. We can't disobey them!'

'Come now, Sssstorm~ They won't know if we don't tell them... Not like we can, anyway.' Sylvia says nonchalantly as she slithers over to Bandit.

'Ugh... Whatever.' Storm just sags and curls his tail around himself. Lady rolls her eyes and gently nudges him before placing a paw on the piece of paper she snagged from Roman's desk that now had a decently good sketch of the kitchen- courtesy of Bandit, among, er... other random doodles scribbled on by everyone else.

 other random doodles scribbled on by everyone else

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

'Uh... why do you have a necklace?' The fennec fox points at the drawing in confusion.

'What necklace? That's Sylvia.'

'Oh my god...' Sylvia facepalms by bringing her tail up to her head.

A sudden squeak catches everyone's attention. Puffball freezes in place as everyone's eyes fall on him and the squeaky toy that was still in his mouth.

'Puffball, come on. Spit it out, bud.' Lady coaxes, emitting a sad whine from the Pomeranian, but later does as he's told.

Icarus sighs and shakes his head.

Sanders Sides AU One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora