•☆♡[2]Mute(All members)♡☆•

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You've been deaf let's say all your life, maybe that is what makes it more bearable. You have never heard a real noise, sound or anything. You wish you could, but things are the way they are. But with that comes the sensory sensitivity. You can feel things on a higher level, that normal people can't. You are more sensitive to a touch, vibrations of music or any really and you can read body language, so it really is great. It's easy to tell when someone is angry, or sad or uncomfortable, just from their body.

 One thing you never expected to experience- friendships.

  You really thought that people will never try to learn sign language for you, or that you will never find friends that aren't deaf or know sign language too.
 But one day you were in a new coffee place and the barista was being very rude and didn't want to take your order. You tried to show him what you wanted, but he still was being an ass. 
  Then, out of nowhere, there were two men standing behind you. They walked up to the bar, and basically stood in your place. You thought they cut the line and you were starting to feel very upset. But then the long haired man turned his phone around and showed you his screen, while the short haired brunette talked to the barista. As you read the boy's text, you smiled.
  "Hi, As far I understand you can't hear and the barista is being very rude. I wanted to know what coffee or dessert you wanted, so me and my friend could order it for you".
 You quickly reached out for your phone in your tote bag and typed him a message in your notepad.
 "Hi, Thank you very much, I am pretty deaf. You don't really need to do that, I appreciate it, but I'll just go and get it somewhere", you showed him the message and he furrowed his eyebrows. 

 He then quickly set his eyes on the phone and began typing something.
"I don't see it as appreciation when you say no to a kind offer. I insist.", he showed you his message and smiled.
"Alright. I was going to order flat white coffee and the lemon cheesecake", you showed him your message, as his facial features turned into something like disgust.
"Lemon cake? Really? that sound miserable", his message said.
"I wanted to try soemthing new, sorry?", you showed him your text and shrugged.
"Now I want it myself :00. Is that all you want?", his message said.
"Yes, thank you very much, I will sit down there, by the window, my back hurts. I physically feel like a 70 year old woman with artritis ;P", you showed him the text as let out a small soft laugh.
"okay, your order will sooon be on your table miss ;))", he showed you his last text and chuckled. The young man was really sweet.

When you found the perfect place to sit down, you placed your bags and seated yourself comfortably. Gazing through window, you enjoyed the view of people passing by. It amazed how every each individual passing by has a different story and pov.

 Sadly, your thoughts were interrupted by the short haired man waving at you. He looked familiar and was excited. From the way his lips moved, you knew his was saying 'HI'. So you waved back, making him smile even more. He then placed your cake on the table and soon his friend placed a cup of coffee right next to the plate. You quickly opened your notepad and wrote a text.

"Thank you very much <3 !! How much do I owe you guys?"
"Don't worry about that, If you let us sit here, I would call it a pay off", the short haired man showed you his phone screen. Wow, that has never happened. Why would they want to sit with me, you thought, over and over again.
"Sure", you showed them the text and they smiled happily, before heading to take their coffees and desserts and coming back to you. 

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