{6}✧♕●Second Chance(Victoria De Angelis)●♕✧

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"I can't do this anymore Vic", you break down few minutes into the argument.
"what do you mean by saying that?", Vic asks, her eyes wide open.

"You and Me... I need to have you by my side, not constantly away", you explain to her.
"Bullshit! You would say everything is fine and now, when I'm the happiest I've ever been, you want to break up?", she is not able to believe the words.
"I was hiding everything! "you protest, standing up from the chair.
"THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE KEPT IT HIDDEN!", she yells out of frustration.
"I did it for your happiness, I wanted you to be happy!", you say, regrets of speaking up are flooding your mind space.

"Then maybe you should leave, for my happiness", she spits out, her words feels like sharp knife piercing through your heart.

You and Victoria often have conflicts and fights, usually due the fact that you rarely see each other. She is always busy with the band, you are busy with your own career. Though you make each other happy, for you it is hard to cope with 'long distance relationship'. Victoria is always optimistic about everything and thinks you are both okay, but you are not.

Three days has passed, you still have no idea how Victoria is doing, or what is there left out of your relationship. So you're alone, in your small apartment, re-thinking every little thing. Eurovision contest Grand final starts tomorrow. You were so happy about it last week, but now, everything has changed.

You play with the Eurovision ticket, lost in your thoughts. "Should I go? No, that would be weird. We broke up, I can't go there...", you fight with your thoughts. It really hurts not seeing her, not hearing her voice. It's not the same.

As soon as you place the tickets into the drawer, you hear your phone ring. Great! You quickly pull your phone out of your jeans pocket and see it is Ethan. Damn, why would he even call.

"Hello",you answer, feeling a little self conscious.
"hey Y/n",he greets you, sweetly.
"Is everything okay?",you ask, not knowing what else to say.
"Well yeah, but wanted to know how are you doing?. We haven't heard from you in a while?",he inquires.
"Mhm... I'm good, how are you?",you straight up lie. You are not good.
"I'm great, thanks. But I think you're lying",his admits.
"Maybe. I don't really want to talk about it",you confess, feeling anxious.
"Alright, I just wanted to check on you. You know...Victoria isn't doing very well either. She is still preoccupied by the situation. You should talk it out someday", he suggests, he really is right.
"I am scared to even look her in the eyes",you joke, moments later regretting it, as usual.
"Well you won't be scared anymore, if you talk to her. She loves you and you mean a lot to her. I know she said some hurtful words, but don't you love her too?",he speaks, softly, like he always does.
"I doo... I really do. But I'm scared and I don't know what to do",you let out a sigh of desperation.
"Look, what if you come here to Rotterdam? Either Thomas or I would pick up, somehow and then you could watch the final and talk to her?", he suggests, quite proud of his plan.
"I guess I could....But please really pick me up, at the airport... Cause if you don't...I'm going to cry and die...",you beg, it's really not nice getting lost in an airport and different country.
"Sure, don't worry",he chuckles and then you agree on the time, place and etc.

*next day at the airport*

"Damn it, where are the boys!", you mutter to yourself, wandering around the airport. You expected Ethan to have a sign with your name on, like in movies. That would make it easier to find them. But then you see two guys waving at you like crazy and recognize them. A tall young man, with long dark hair and a blonde guy next to him. They look so excited, waving their hands so energetically.
"HEELLOOO HEELOOO!", Thomas boasts and hugs you. You haven't seen him in a very long time, neither Ethan. It was like 4 months ago, when you last hung out with the band.
"HI! HI!", you gush and then turn to Ethan, who gives you a hug to, but more subtle, gentle not like Thomas, who almost suffocated you.

*at the song contest*

You feel so great, sitting in your seat after a quite chaotic ride to the place. All the way to the Contest venue, Thomas and Ethan were arguing on the directions. Thomas was too cool to use google maps and didn't listen to Ethan, so you ended up driving to the wrong location and almost got late. But thank god Ethan knew how to use google maps and you made it, so now you are all good, in your places.

As the contest is getting to the very end, you start wondering where Ethan and Thomas are. So you turn to the area, where contestants are seated. As you start searching for the guys, you finally spot a familiar face and make eye contact with Damiano. He gives you a soft smile and then turns to the stage, as the hosts announce the end of the performances and are about to announce the voting stuff.

*time skip*

When they announce the winners and it's Italy, you cheer and feel very happy about it. The guys have been dreaming about this moment for so long. Now that it's really true, you feel proud of them. You even start feeling emotional, when watching them on stage. But your anxiety gets even worse. You are really nervous too meet Vic again.

*after the contest*

The contest, the interviews with the band, it's all over. You start feeling very anxious, with urge to run out of here. Asking yourself, if you really should be here, you slowly start going towards the exit. And then you really chicken out and in a hurry you start heading out of the building. But soon, you bump into someone and that person literally holds you from leaving. You lift your head to see it is Damiano.
"Came all the way to Rotterdam to leave without talking to Vic. That is not how we do it!",he points out and starts walking you over to Vic. She doesn't know about you being here.
"I wasn't trying to leave", you lie, while being pushed towards Vic, Ethan and Thomas.
"oh come on, You've tried to leave unnoticed plenty of times. Even during my birthday. Ungrateful!", he disagrees and then pushes you into Victoria.
"-Eeeekkk Damianoo!",you yelp, as you crash into Victoria's back.
"Oii...-",she gasps and then turns around. Your eyes meet again and your heart skips a beat.
"- Y/N?", she speaks, as your heart melts, only from hearing her voice.
"Hii!",you nervously scratch the back of your head.
"Thomas, Ethan, were going to get some drinks or food", Damiano takes Ethan's and Thomas' hands and walks away from you and Vic.

"I'm happy that you're here", she admits, feeling as awkward as you.
"I-I am here.... erm... I'm here because I really missed you", you blurt out, as a smile appears on her face.
"I missed you too Y/n-", she says and pulls you into a hug, "I'm sorry for being too blind and stupid. I should have understood how difficult it was for you", she confesses.
"It's okay, I wasn't the best either", you assure her.
"Can we try again, give me a second chance....pleasee?",she begs, with her puppy eyes. How could you say no?
"I would love to", you smile as she gives you a cheeky smile before pulling you into a kiss. Oh how you've missed it! The feeling of her lips on yours. The sweet cherry aftertaste.
"I love you. Like very much", she expresses, admiring your eyes. And ignoring the fact that there are around 50 people in the room.
"I love you like super very much", you reply, kissing her again..

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fun fact: when writing this imagine, I wrote Thomas' name as Thanos . And it's not the first time. sorry thomas, your name is now officially Thanos!

Second chance

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