{2}☆*・Not Okay(Damiano David)・*☆

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A/n; requested/hopefully understood the assignment. 

warnings: mentions of sad topics; just a sad imagine with cute happy ending

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Damiano's pov*

It's been a good couple days since I last saw Y/n smile genuinely. Something is off, I can feel it. It looks like she hasn't slept in days and barely seen her eat. Thomas tried to talk to her earlier today, buy she said she was really fine and that he should stop worrying about her. But would a happy person say that. I would go up to her and ask her, but I am afraid to only make it worse. Only if she loved me back, I would never let her shed a single tear. She deserves all the happiness in the world

Your pov*

 We are all are seated at the table, Ethan, Vic, Thomas and....Damiano. I can't help it but notice how he is looking at me. It's not like love or something. He looks at me like he is preoccupied with something. What if he knows everything?.... No that is impossible. Panicked,  I leave the room. Everyone watches me walk away. Maybe I should have stayed, now that everyone seems bothered. I find my way to the bathroom and enter, locking the doors afterwards. As I start crying I hear shuffling at the other side of the doors.

"Who is there?",you sniffle, mentally preparing to explain yourself again."Ethan... it Ethan",he struggles to talk, sounding like he regrets bothering you.
"What?",you ask, wiping away a couple of fresh teardrops.
"I'm here not to judge, but really want to know if you're doing okay?",he asks, genuinely. That sweet boy never disappoints with his kindness. So you walk up to the door and unlock it.
As soon as he enters the bathroom, he sits beside you, on the cold floor and stays silent for a bit.
"Is that some silent treatment you're trying out on me or what?",you ask, attempting to break the silence.
"Maybe...? Is it that bad?",he asks.
"Yes",you answer, with no hesitation.
"Okay, sorry. Just trying not to make it worse",he admits, as you assure him he's fine.
Soon Thomas and Victoria appear in the view. They look a little uncomfortable and guilty to for interrupting.
"We thought that sometimes a group of friends can actually help. We really care about you so we're gonna join anyways",with these words they sit in front of you two and you all just sit there.
"Well... I-I don't know how to explain it... I'm feeling sad. Upset. Disappointed... don't really know why",you confess, as they all listen closely.
"There is always a reason behind every time you're upset",Ethan says, his voice soothing and calm as always.
"But it just happened suddenly and I can't recall a single thing that could have trigged me into this mess",you explain yourself.
"Maybe you're forgetting something?",Vic suggests as your instincts order you to shake your head.
"I D-Ddon't know... I just don't feel like myself...Even when we're together I somehow still feel alone",you weep.
"Even if you feel alone, we are always here for you, so don't even think about us not caring about you. We really really care about you and Damiano especially",Ethan comforts you as your eyes widen a little. Why did he mention Damiano like that?
"Ethan! You fool. We promised him not to tell anything!",Victoria says under her breath and punches Ethan in the shoulder as he apologizes.
"What do you mean by that?",you ask, confused. This all conversation has gone weird.
"Dear friends, will you let me talk to her alone?",Damiano steps into the bathroom as your heart skips a beat.
"Yes go ahead", Ethan says as he rubs your back, "don't worry, he's here for a confession", and with that phrase he leaves, together with Vic and Thomas. You then lift yourself off the floor and sit on the small chair that was next to you, usually full of towels and stuff, but now empty.
"What happened? Will you tell me what the hell happened?", he asks, his eyes asking for explanation. You can clearly see that he is worried about you. And now you feel dumb, because you thought he didn't even care, the person you always wanted to care about you.
"I-I don't know?!",you bawl, making him quickly squat in front of you. He takes your hands in his and places soft kisses on each. 

"I'm sorry", he gently kisses them again, "I'm sorry, I should have been more gentle and supportive", he sighs. You immediately cup his face, "No! don't try to blame it on yourself, what is happening to me is not your fault. It is my fault I am the one to blame...",you try to prove your truth, but he is not buying it. "If you would only tell me what happened? ",he says as he kisses your palm. "I guess, I-i... I guess I just wanted to be happy, but I wasn't. Alone myself I couldn't make myself happy",you confess as he still watches you with his eyes, full of sadness. "Who would make you happy? Y/n? Who would make you happy?",he asks, wanting to know who that person could be. He doesn't even think about himself, he is prepared to get the person you need right now, right here. "...T-that person is here right now, in front of me", you gulp, instantly regretting your words. "Me?...Why me?",he asks, himself not able to believe that you would find something good in him. " I don't know?  maybe because I love you. You think too low of yourself. You are a wonderful person Damiano, the most perfect person I have ever seen or wanted",you admit, as his facial features soften. He takes a moment or two to read your facial expression, before cupping your cheeks and kissing you. As you accept the kiss, you start feeling weird tingly sensation, butterflies in your stomach. It's something you haven't felt in a long long time. He is not in a hurry, so the kiss is slow, but passionate. He slips his tongue in, to get the taste he always craved for. To him you taste like the a sweet cherry cake, that you had before leaving the table. As he explores your mouth, your sweet cherry flavor mixes up with cigarettes and something sweet. In this moment it's a good mix, something unexplainable, yet beautiful. 

 As he gently pulls away from you, breathless, he can only smile. Your both dreams just came true. He gently caresses your cheek with his thumb as you both stare into each others eyes. "You have a beautiful pair of eyes", he mumbles. "That was so random", you both burst into laughter as he looses his balance and falls over, making you fall on top of him.  "So romantic, huh?", he laughs and pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Just like in the movies", you add. "I think I'm in love with you. No... I'm sure I am in love with you",he confesses, with pure love in his eyes. "I think I love you too",you reply as he furrows his eyebrows. "Only think? I am here confessing my feelings to you and you dare to disrespect me?'',he acts offended. "Well what do you want me to say?",you ask, confused. "just say those three special words, pweasee!", he begs with his puppy eyes. "I love you",you say as he starts smiling like a fool. "I love you tooo!", he gushes and rushes to shower you with kisses. 

 "OOOOOH!",Thomas' peeps his head through the door gap. 
"Give them some privacy you jackass!",Victoria says and playfully hits him in the head, herself peeking her head out as well.
"What's happening",Ethan is the last one to appear, always confused.
"I think they kissed. A lot",Thomas says as Damiano grabs a shampoo bottle and throws it at him, hitting the blonde exactly in the head. 
"OWWWWW!",he yelps, as everyone starts laughing. 
"oops!",Damiano says, as you both still lay there with you on top of him. 

 "so is everything good now?",Victoria asks, as you both nod.
"Better than good", he replies.
"Perfect",you add. 
"Awww....We're so happpyyyyy!!", Victoria cheers as Thomas still caresses his head and Ethan nods, like always.
"Family Hug!",she bursts and then running into the bathroom she falls on top of you and Damiano. You both are squished and let out a shriek.
"Family hug?",Thomas repeats Vic and falls on top of her, making all three of you groan.
"Ethan join us! There is no family without Ethan",Thomas encourages him to come and join. At first he doubts the invitation, not wanting to kill you all, but family hug is family hug so he falls on top of you four and you all just let out several groans before all falling off each other down on the floor. 

"Finally I can breathe!!! Aaah!",Damiano expresses, inhaling deeply, as everyone around does pretty much the same. You all continue laying on the floor and then find your ways to the dining room, to finish the dinner...  Like a big happy family

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