Won't you stay 'til the A.M?

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Won't you stay 'til the A.M.?
All my favourite conversations
Always made in the A.M. (yeah yeah)

The pub was crowded like it usually was on a Friday. Harry made his way through the tables to meet up with some friends. He could see Liam and Niall sitting a few tables ahead. Someone shouting his name made him look around. That voice sounded really familiar. His eyes fell on a man two tables in front of him, and he let out a surprised gasp. The man was smiling and waving at him. He was older but he would recognize those blue eyes and that smile anywhere. He walked up to him.

"Yeah! Hi, Harry. I can't believe it. Look at you. You're all grown up." Louis said and got up and hugged him.

"So are you! How long has it been? Ten years?" Harry asked and returned the hug. Louis smelled good.

"Yeah." Louis smiled as they let go. Harry noticed that he had wrinkles by his eyes when he smiled nowadays. It suited him.

"Are you here by yourself? Please join us. I would love to catch up. This is my friend Zayn." Louis continued and gestured at the man sitting at the table, watching them curiously.

"Hi, I'm Harry. Uhm, my friends are over there. Talk to you later?" Harry answered.

Louis looked disappointed for a second but then he smiled again.

He walked over to his friends, noticing that they were looking between him and Louis, heads going back and forth like they were watching a freaking tennis game.
"Who's that?" Niall immediately asked as soon as he took a seat.

"Louis." Harry answered.

"How do you know him?" Liam asked.

"What is this? An interrogation? We were camp leaders one summer when we were teens. He was actually my first love." Harry answered amused.

Niall stood up and waved.
"Louis! Come sit with us, your friend too!" He shouted over the tables.

"Niall!" Harry wheezed between gritted teeth.

Before he knew it Louis was standing next to him and he scooched closer to the wall so he could sit next to him in the booth. Niall and Liam introduced themselves and then Niall started to talk.
"So Louis, we want to hear all about this summer camp."

Louis looked at Harry who blushed. He couldn't bring his friends into public places. They couldn't behave themselves.

"It was a music camp. Harry and I were both camp leaders. He can really sing, but I guess you already know that." Louis said and Harry cooed internally over his accent. How could he forget how cute Louis was when he talked?

"Nu-uh, really Harry? Why have we never heard you sing?" Niall questioned?

Harry shrugged his shoulders dismissively.
"Okay, next Saturday we're going to a karaoke bar but back to you Louis. Tell us all about teenage Harry." Niall grinned.

"Well, his hair was much curlier and he was shorter but just as beautiful as he is now." Louis answered smoothly.

Harry blushed and looked down at the table, trying to hide his red cheeks. He glanced at Louis who was smiling at him. Niall wiggled his eyebrows and Liam jammed an elbow in his ribs.
"Ooof." Niall grunted.

"Another round of beers?" Liam asked.

They all agreed and Liam dragged Niall with him to the bar. Louis turned to look at Harry.
"So, do you live in London now or are you just visiting?"

"Oh, I live here. I moved here four years ago. You?" Harry replied.

"Yeah, I moved here almost two years ago. I can't believe we haven't run into each other until now." Louis said.

"London's quite big." Harry stated and mentally facepalmed. Really? Why did he say that?

Louis giggled.
"It sure is."

Zayn had been quiet until now.
"Louis? I'm gonna go for a smoke. Wanna join?"

"Yeah, ehm, we'll be right back. I wanna hear what you have been up to for the last ten years." Louis said to Harry with a smile before he got up and left with Zayn.

Niall and Liam came back and put five beers on the table.
"They left?" Liam questioned.

"They just went out for a smoke." Harry informed them.

"Great. So, is he single?" Niall wondered as they sat down again.

"Why? Do you want him?" Harry joked with a raised eyebrow.

"Very funny. I'm asking on your behalf." Niall chuckled with an eye roll.

"Stop acting like a freaking matchmaker, and stop embarrassing me." Harry grunted.

Niall just shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his beer. They drank and small talked and then Louis and Zayn returned to the table and took a seat.
"So, Louis, are you single?" Niall asked.

"Yeah." Louis answered.

"Great! So is Harry!" Niall grinned.

Harry was just drinking and choked on the beer.
"Niall!" He gasped and wiped his mouth.

"What? You are! I'm just keeping it real." Niall pouted.

Louis exchanged an amused look with Harry.
"Good to know."

Harry's cheeks turned pink again and he cursed quietly under his breath, having a hard time trying to look away from Louis's intensive blue eyes. Liam and Niall were talking to Zayn and Louis leaned in closer.
"It's really great to see you. I thought of you over the years."

It felt like they were alone in the room. The sound of the crowded bar disappeared into the back and he could only hear Louis.
"I've thought of you too." Harry admitted.

"You have?" Louis asked.

"Of course. Wanna, ehm, go back to my place and drink a cup of tea and catch up?" Harry blurted out.

Louis smirked and Harry felt his cheeks redden once again. He had been bluntly obvious what his intentions were and Louis didn't miss a beat.
"I'd love to. Come on!" 

They got up and turned to look at their friends. Things got awkward.
"So eh, I'm gonna go." Harry stuttered.

"Yeah, me too. Sorry, Zayn." Louis smirked.

Zayn just smiled.
"It's okay. I get it."

Niall grinned and Liam looked amused and Harry wanted to sink through the floor from embarrassment so he just turned around and hurried off. Louis went after him. They could hear Niall laugh behind them.
"That was not smooth young Harold." Louis chuckled.

"Shut up!" Harry grunted but he was smiling.

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