Remember how we used to kick around just wasting time?

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You and me were raised in the same part of town
Got these scars on the same ground
Remember how we used to kick around just wasting time?

"Do you remember that kid Tom who always ate his own buggers?" Louis asked as they were laying in bed spread out, post-sex.

Harry burst out laughing.
"Oh God, and he was like eleven years old! He wouldn't stop eating his own snot."

"Yeah, anyhow, I met her at a gay club last year." Louis chuckled.

"Her?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, she goes by the name Tanya now." Louis smiled.

"Really? Good for her." Harry replied and showed off both dimples.

Louis grunted and lifted his head to kiss him.
"Don't flash me those dimples. It makes you irresistible." He mumbled against his lips.

"Is that so? Good to know." Harry teased. He opened his mouth to the kiss and they made out lazily.

Harry started to giggle. Louis broke the kiss to look at him.

"I just remembered when a whole bunch of those kids found us making out in the woods. I think we scared them for life." Harry said.

"That wasn't pretty." Louis laughed along.

Harry turned to his side and rested his hand between the pillow and his cheek.
"So, ten years Lou. I want to know what you've been up to. I hope you had a good life so far."

"Both." Louis said with a sad smile.

Harry waited for him to continue. Louis took a deep breath.
"Me mum died."

"What? Oh God, I'm so sorry to hear that." Harry said compassionately. He reached out a hand and caressed Louis's hair and cheek.

"Thanks. Cancer. It was really hard, you know? And then Fizzie, my sister died a year later." Louis revealed with a shaky voice.

Harry reacted in the only way he knew how. He reached out his arms and pulled Louis in for a hug. Louis buried his nose in Harry's neck and breathed in his scent to collect himself. He never talked about it. He didn't even know why he brought it up. It should feel weird to let Harry comfort him, but it didn't. They just laid in silence for a moment before Louis pulled back.
"Are you okay? Sorry, that's a stupid question." Harry said and bit his lower lip.

"It's not stupid. Yeah, life goes on, as crazy as it sounds. I'm doing alright. I'm trying to live my life for the three of us." Louis answered.

Harry's eyes teared up and he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against Louis's lips, cupping his cheek with his hand. He was so tender that Louis wanted to cry. He hadn't signed up for this. This was just supposed to be a hook-up. Some after pub sex.

He rolled on top of Harry and deepened the kiss, rutting his hips to show him that this was sexual and not emotional. Harry gasped and wrapped his arms around him and that wouldn't do. It was too intimate and he couldn't deal with that right now. He broke the kiss and moved away.
"Hands and knees."

Harry looked a little surprised but he turned around without a word and got situated on the bed. Louis needed to blow off some steam.
"Do you like it rough?" He asked and squeezed Harry's ass.

"Yes." Harry answered.

"Spanking?" Louis asked.

"Yes." Harry admitted breathlessly.

"Would you feel safe with me pushing your limits? I really wanna spank you." Louis said with an edge to his voice.

"Please." Harry breathed out.

"Tell me if it's too much or if you don't like it." Louis said.

He wasted no time and let his palm slap Harry's ass, watching it jiggle in fascination. Harry gasped.

"Okay?" Louis asked.

"Yes. More." Harry answered and Louis let him have it, smacking him again, harder this time.

He looked around for the lube and found the bottle at the end of the bed.
"Give me a condom before we continue."

Harry leaned forward and got one from the top drawer and threw it to Louis before he returned to his previous position. Louis gave him a hard smack, earning him a moan. He opened the bottle of lube and smacked him again. Harry rocked his body back and forth.
"Stay still." Louis said.

He coated two fingers and shoved them in at the same time while he spanked Harry's ass again. Harry jolted up in bed with a choked-up sound.
"Oh, fuck!"

After making sure that Harry was still loose from the first time they had sex, making sure to scissor him a little, Louis pulled his fingers out and wiped them on the sheets before he rolled on the condom and lubed himself. He pressed the tip against Harry's hole and grabbed his hip with one hand. He spanked him while he pushed inside in one swift motion and Harry screamed. He stopped.

"Oh God, yes! Just fuck me!" Harry moaned.

Louis started to pound him, holding him firmly by the hip. Harry was so fucking loud, making his blood boil. He wouldn't last long. He let his palm smack down on Harry's ass once more and Harry wailed.
"Fuck! Fuck! Yes!"

"Language, baby!" Louis grunted, pet name just slipped out.

Harry drew in a heated breath and then he came with a strange cry. Louis's mind was blown. He came from that? Oh, fuck! Harry's arms gave up and he whimpered and Louis fucked into him twice before he came as well, throwing his head back with a loud moan. He rode out his orgasm before he pulled out and looked down on Harry's ass, now in a nice shade of pink.
"Shit! Are you okay?" Louis asked in concern. That wasn't exactly the kind of sex you had with someone the second time around.

"Awesome." Harry mumbled. He moved his head to the side and his body fell down as soon as Louis let go.

Louis tossed the condom after making a knot and laid down next to Harry.
"Are you sure? I got a little carried away."

Harry opened his eyes and smiled.
"Best sex I've ever had."

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