You know I'm always gonna look for your face

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Won't you stay 'til the A.M.?
You know I'm always coming back to this place
Won't you stay 'til the A.M.? (yeah, yeah)
You know
Won't you stay 'til the A.M.?
You know I'm always gonna look for your face
Won't you stay 'til the A.M.? (yeah, yeah)

Louis never really left. Sure, after an amazing first date and some mindblowing sex after that he went home to his place only to show up after work on Monday with a bright smile and Chinese food. They hung out every day that week.

Louis got off work earlier than him so usually he sat outside his apartment waiting for him when he came home, so he gave him a key to his place. Two weeks later he got his own drawer, because he was sleeping over most nights and had to get back to his own apartment really early to change for work.

He bought cereals and milk for him to eat in the mornings, noticing that he wasn't keen on the things he ate himself. A month went by and they spent every day together, and they even called each other during lunch just to hear how the day was going so far.

If it had been someone else Harry had been freaking out about them basically moving in together from day one but he wasn't. He wanted Louis around all the time. They hung out with their friends as well even if they had a hard time keeping their hands off each other. Niall, Zayn, and Liam didn't comment on it, even if they were eyeing them curiously, waiting for an announcement of some sort, but that was the thing. They hadn't talked about any kind of deeper feelings towards each other. It was scary how fast he was falling for him. He only felt like this twice in his life and both times Louis had been the man of his affections.

He finally found the courage to talk about it one night after they had sex.
"Lou? I think we should talk." Harry started with a shaky voice.

"You're getting fed up with me? I know it's weird that I spend so much time here, like all my time, but your apartment feels homey. I can take a step back. I don't want to suffocate you. I'm sorry." Louis rambled nervously.

Harry took a deep breath.
"No, I want you here. That's not...I need to tell you that I'm falling in love with you, and if you're not feeling the same or at least think you'll get there eventually I need you to tell me that because then I need to take a step back." Harry said quietly.

Louis had started to smile as soon as he said love and his smile only grew bigger and bigger. He opened his arms.
"Come here, silly. I'm falling in love with you too, or, I'm already there, to be honest. Totally, fucking in love."

"Yeah? Good, me too." Harry answered with a happy sigh and laid his head on Louis's chest, nuzzling his nose in his neck.
"Why haven't you told me?"

"I was afraid that it would be too early. I didn't want to scare you off." Louis mumbled against Harry's hair and kissed his temple lovingly.

Harry laughed happily and hugged him tightly with one hand on Louis's cheek, trying to get as close as possible.
"I'm so happy."

"Me too, baby." Louis said and put a finger under Harry's chin to tilt his head up so he could kiss him.

It felt different this time. Like they both put all of their bottled-up emotions into the kiss and they built it up slowly, just tasting each other's lips before they finally deepened the kiss and let their tongues swirl. Their hands caressed each other's bodies, exploring every inch of them. Louis rolled on top and started to trail kisses everywhere he could reach, mumbling sweet nothings into Harry's skin. He reached for the lube eventually and opened him up, while he kissed his neck and ear. When he finally pushed inside they were both worked up to the breaking point. They looked deeply into each other's eyes while he slowly thrust in and out, making love. He never speeded up his movement. He just continued to push in and out, making sure to hit Harry's prostate.

Harry came from that look of love in Louis's face and eyes, and the fact that he was jabbing his prostate repeatedly. His mouth went slack and he panted his orgasm, and flexing, hands buried in Louis's hair. When Louis came as well he felt his load fill him to the brim and he moaned loudly in surprise. They had forgotten to wear a condom.  Louis's body was shaking and he moaned in his ear and continued to get them through their highs, without changing the tempo of his thrusts.

Louis panted heavily, breathing hot air against Harry's neck.
"Shit! I forgot the condom. I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay Lou. I'm clean." Harry answered.

"Me too. Are you sure?" Louis asked and lifted his head so he could look at him.

"Yes, as my boyfriend you don't need to wear a condom." Harry smiled.

"Boyfriend." Louis breathed out and Harry froze, afraid that he had said something wrong. Maybe they weren't there yet?

"I love that. I'm your boyfriend." Louis laughed happily and pressed a wet kiss against his lips.

Harry wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him back. He winced a little when Louis pulled out, cum dropping out of him, but he ignored it, not wanting to ruin the moment they were having. Louis pulled his head back again so he could look him in the eyes.
"Since we're doing this in ultra speed I better just tell you that I love you, because I do."

Harry got emotional and blinked away some tears.
"I love you too."

"Great! With that out of the way, let's shower." Louis grinned but he also looked a bit emotional.

They washed up and changed the bed linen. Harry silently thought that he needed to buy more. They had so much sex, which he loved by the way, that he had gone through most of his sheets. He giggled a little.

They laid down and cuddled.
"Who do you think killed JFK?" Louis asked.

Harry giggled again.
"All my favorite conversations between us are always made in the A.M."

The End

Won't you stay 'til the A.M?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora