Like we're all gonna make it

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Won't you stay 'til the A.M.?
All my favourite conversations
Always made in the A.M.
Cause we don't know what we're saying
We're just swimming round in our glasses
And talking out of our asses
Like we're all gonna make it (yeah, yeah)

"What if this is just an alternative universe or like, a video game or a book and we're not actually real?" Harry said. They were laying in bed cuddling, post-sex.

Louis put a hand on the side of his has to keep it up so he could look at Harry.
"Where did that come from? What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?"

Harry giggled.
"I don't know. Random thought. Do you believe in fate?"

"Not really. You?" Louis answered.

"Maybe. I mean, what are the odds that we both would walk into the same pub yesterday? There are thousands of pubs in London." Harry said.

"True. Yeah, that's kind of coincidental, isn't it?" Louis smiled.

"Yeah, anyhow. This weekend is amazing. I haven't had this much sex in...I've never had this much sex during one weekend." Harry smirked.

"Me neither. I also never been able to come untouched before." Louis said.

"Really?" Harry wondered with a smugged smile.

"Oh, don't be so fucking smug about it. Yeah, really." Louis laughed.

"Can you blame me? Well, I've never came twice in a row before so I guess we're even." Harry winked.

"That only makes me wanna try and make you come three times in a row." Louis smirked.

"Oh, God. After this much sex? I would die." Harry laughed.

"Another time." Louis said.

Harry liked the sound of that. He really hoped they would do this again, whatever this was, because it was the best sex he had ever had.

They washed up and changed the bed linen again before they got back in bed.
"How can tomatoes be a fruit but you use it as a vegetable?" Louis asked.

Harry giggled.
"I have no idea."

"Crap, I've always wondered and I thought you would have the answer." Louis said.

"I'm sorry." Harry smiled.

"I'll survive. You know what? Whenever I've been somewhere, like a public place, I've always looked for your face in the crowd but I never saw you. I thought I was fucking hallucinating last Friday when you showed up at the pub." Louis chuckled.

Harry's eyes grew wide.
"I did that too. I even stalked your Facebook a couple of times, thinking about sending you a message but I wasn't sure you would remember me so I never sent one."

"You were my first love, Harry. Of course I remember you." Louis said softly.

Harry showed off a dimpled smile.
"You were mine."

Louis returned the smile and Harry got shy all of a sudden. Even if it was a long time ago it was the first time he told Louis.
"If we had told each other back then, do you think we would have stayed in touch?" Louis asked, like he was reading his mind.

"I don't know. We were so young. Long-distance is hard." Harry answered thoughtfully.

"Yeah." Louis agreed. They stayed quiet for a while, lost in thoughts.

"So if you had to choose, would you rather be attacked by a shark or a bear?" Harry asked to break the silence.

"Wow, is that my only option? Ehm....bear?" Louis laughed.

"Your turn." Harry smiled.

"Would you rather go blind or deaf?" Louis asked.

"Definitely deaf." Harry answered immediately. "It would be awful to not be able to listen to music for example but it would be worse not to see all the beauty in the world." He continued and added silently to himself "like you."

"Yeah, that's true and somewhat poetic. Your turn." Louis said.

Harry thought about it for a moment.
"Never be loved by someone or never love someone?"

"That's deep. Hm...never be loved because I don't want to be a person incapable of loving." Louis answered softly.

"Yeah, that's true, but imagine if no one loved you, like ever. Not even your parents. That would be awful." Harry replied.

"This conversation makes me depressed." Louis sighed.

"Yeah, so do you think that you ever bought milk more than once from the same cow?" Harry giggled.

Louis cackled out loudly.
"What the fuck Harry. What kind of question is that?"

"A very important one. Don't tell me that you haven't been to the grocery store and asked yourself that very same question when you pick out a milk carton? Harry grinned.

"Never." Louis laughed.

"Oh, just me then? Oh, well." Harry sighed.

Louis reached out a hand and caresses his cheek and hair.
"You're just adorable."

Harry smiled from the compliment and Louis leaned in to kiss him. They spent the rest of the night making out without taking it further until they finally caved and fell asleep wrapped in a tight embrace.

They slept in and woke up at lunchtime.
"Good morning. Slept well?" Harry asked.

"Yes. You?" Louis asked.

"Like a princess." Harry smiled.

"A princess huh?" Louis said.

"Of course." Harry giggled.

Louis turned around to look at the time.
"So, I'm gonna go home and..."

"Oh, yeah, of course. " Harry interrupted him, looking sad.

"You didn't let me finish princess. I'm gonna go home and clean up, find something nice to wear, and then I'm taking you out on a date." Louis said.

"A date?" Harry question, smiling brightly.

"Yeah, I think we should go on a proper date. I don't see any reason why we shouldn't, unless you think it's a bad idea?" Louis questioned, during him with uncertainty.

"No! I mean, I would love to go on a date with you." Harry beamed.

"Great! I'll pick you up in two hours. I live across town so it will take me a while to get home and back." Louis said before he pecked Harry's lips briefly, not caring about morning breaths.

He got dressed and headed out. Harry just laid in bed with butterflies in his stomach and a huge grin on display. He was going on a date! Louis wanted to take him out on a date! He couldn't believe it. He then realized that he had to get ready and jumped out of bed to hit the shower.

Won't you stay 'til the A.M?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora