Busy Busy Day. Fun.

Start from the beginning

Our hands tighten in their contact and we both know that we're gonna be okay. Hopefully.

"Not at all." Isabel says as she sits down, Dig and Felicity sit down on the same side as us. "I'm actually in quite a good mood."

"Really? So, destroying companies agree with you?" I "kindly" snap.

"Winning agrees with me." she argues.

"You haven't won yet." I say, my eyes squint coldly at her.

A smirk plays on her lips as she looks at Oliver. And there's something about her look that makes me want to reach over and beat the crap out of her.

This is MY man, okay? Back off.

"Since you majored in dropping out of college, let me put this into terms that will be easy for you to understand." she says, coldly. "You control 45% of Queen Consolidated stock. I control 45%, leaving 10% outstanding. But, in two days, the Board will release the final 10%."

"And I'll buy it before you." Oliver says, determined.

"With what money? I doubt your trust fund is that large, and I doubt any angel investor will go anywhere near the company that created the machine that destroyed half the city. Companies rise and fall, Mr. Queen. Yours has fallen."

Oliver glances at me in sadness, the message clear in his eyes; Maybe she's right.

Just before I could say anything, four men dressed in black burst through the door!

It's the Hoods! The copycats of Oliver that are trying to regain "peace" in the Glades by trying to attempt at being four Robin Hoods.

"Oliver Queen!" their leader says, angrily, as Oliver jumps to his feet. "You failed this city!"

Oliver looks at me in shock, and I'm shocked too. They would try to kill Oliver?! In his own company?! What would they want with Oliver? They already killed the Mayor!

They open fire and Oliver pulls Isabel to the ground! He knows I'm fine. Felicity dives under the table, next to Dig. Diggle starts shooting at them.

"Pull back!" he shouts. "Go, Oliver! Go go go go!"

Oliver helps Isabel to her feet and they start to get out of here.

"Get Queen!" I hear the leader shout at one of his men.

One man follows Oliver! I quickly stand up, grab one of the already broken wood chairs, kick a leg off, and follow him!

Oliver gets Isabel out, he turns around, and sees the guy who was following him pull a guy out and aims it at his head! I run right behind him and swing the wood to hit his head with a Thwack!

He crumbles to the ground and Oliver looks at me in shock and awe.

Then, the shooting continues behind us, and Oliver pulls me to the ground! John keeps on shooting and it enables us to get up and start to run!

"They're getting away, get them!" yells the leader.

Another man follows us and keeps on shooting at us! We run at the window and Oliver wraps his right arm around my waist, bringing me to him tightly.

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