Chapter 2 (III): New Game

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It was getting late, but suddenly, there was an announcement from Monokuma telling everyone to come over to the central island. Upon arriving, Hajime noticed Katsumi wasn't there.

I guess she really is keeping her word on guarding Komaeda...

When everyone had arrived, Monokuma popped up, presenting them all with an arcade machine. On it, was a game called "Twilight Syndrome Murder Case" and according to Monokuma, it was the next motive.

But... how?

The only way to find out was to play it.

But... that's a bad idea.

Most of them agreed on that.

However, Fuyuhiko left, saying words of disagreement.

Everyone was worried about the motive, until...

"It doesn't matter," Chiaki said. She had a determined look on her face.


"Motive or not, it doesn't matter. I won't let another killing happen. I will never... ever... let another killing happen."

Those words... Chiaki was always quiet. Hajime thought she could never be forceful.

Maybe... she's dealing with it in her own way. Well, it's no use thinking about it for any longer...

"Um... Are we going to tell Hirata-san about this?" Mikan asked timidly.

"Yes, I think we should do that now instead of next morning," Peko said. "It would be best if we are all informed as soon as possible."

"So, who's going?" Hiyoko asked.

Almost everyone was reluctant because of the imminent possibility of having to approach Nagito again.

"Hey! Soda! Nidai!" Mahiru said. "Since you were the ones who were responsible for tying Komaeda up, why don't you go?"

"Well... y-you know..." Kazuichi stammered.

Before Hajime knew it, he had disappeared.


"Uh... um..." Nekomaru was sweating profusely. "Ggh... I'm sorry."

Kazuichi seemed to have inspired some other people earlier because a lot of them ran out too.

"Oh come on, this is annoying!" Mahiru said angrily. "Well then... it that case... Hinata, I think you should probably do it then."


"Well, you know her better than any of us, so wouldn't it be your responsibility to talk to her?"

"But, I mean..."

"Gosh... Man up already, will you? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"


"Well, anyway, I'll be leaving it up to you."


Too late. Mahiru, along with everybody else, had left to their cottages, though some had quickly flashed him an apologetic smile while leaving.

Hajime let out a sigh. "Well... I guess I should get on with it..."


Earlier that night, Katsumi had heard an announcement from Monokuma to meet at the central island, but she had ignored it since even though she now trusted Nagito not to escape, abandoning her post would probably get some disapproving remarks from the other students. She had also pointed this out to Nagito when he had asked her why she didn't leave.

When the nighttime announcement sounded, she thought of something, "Hey Komaeda-kun, I'm going to get you something to sleep on. Hm... a mat or futon, maybe..."

"Huh?" He looked confused.

Maybe he still wasn't used to her being nice to him after what happened in the past two days.

"What? Is there a problem?" she asked. "There's no way staying in the same position for two days straight on the hard floor is going to be good for you. I'm amazed how you haven't complained to me about it at all. Your muscles and joints are probably sore all over."

Nagito hesitated for a second, then smiled. "Ah... I can't believe you're being so considerate to someone as insignificant as me! I'm so grateful!"

As Katsumi left the dining hall, she stopped.

Without turning back, she spoke again, "...Hey, stop with the self-deprecation... got it?"

With those words, she left.

It didn't take too long, as she came back almost immediately, with a rolled-up futon. But when she was opening the door to the dining hall to step in...


It was Hajime's voice. She swerved her head around and saw him. She placed the futon in the dining hall, closed the door in front of her and turned to face him.

"Oh... hi Hinata-kun," she said. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah, it's about that special announcement from Monokuma..."

He explained the new motive for murder that was presented earlier that night.

"A game, huh?" Katsumi pondered. "So you said that most of you have agreed not to play it?"


"Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about playing it, but if that's what you agreed on, I'll do the same. Also, I shouldn't abandon my post anyway... Playing it regardless behind everybody's backs would just be a violation of trust, wouldn't it?"

"Yeah... that's right..." Hajime said, though still worried. "...This is weird. I don't know what to do."

"Well, your decisions are your own. I'll trust you with that, I guess."

That seemed to cheer him up just a little bit.

"Anyways, thanks for telling me this," Katsumi said. "I appreciate it."

"Yeah... Well... good night then, Hirata."

"Yeah, good night."

With that, Hajime left and Katsumi went back into the dining hall.

As she closed the door, she looked at Nagito. His expression was saying something.

"Did you overhear our conversation?" Katsumi asked.

His expression confirmed her suspicion. She gave a sigh.

I guess these walls are far from soundproof...

"Well, that's actually pretty good..." she said. "Since I don't have to explain it to you."

"So, about this motive..." Nagito was about to say something, but Katsumi quickly hushed him.

"Say what you want about it tomorrow. I'm... getting tired..." She got caught up in a failed attempt to stifle a yawn. Her eyelids felt heavy.

Her regular sleep schedule already ignored Monokuma's nighttime announcements and the last two days had made it even worse. She was already trying her best not to look tired, but it seemed she couldn't hide her fatigued look anymore.

"Huh? I thought you said yesterday that—"

"Yeah, yesterday," she interrupted. "Well, I'm... following your advice from yesterday about my sleep schedule. So it'd be nice if you could do the same with my advice from earlier... you know... stopping that self-deprecating manner of yours."

After turning off the room lights, she quickly laid out the futon, helping him get on while still tied up (a difficult but still achievable feat). She sat down by the table with her desk lamp's light to resume her own things, but extreme drowsiness overtook her senses once she did so. After attempting to rest her eyes for a bit, they shut completely. She had unknowingly drifted off to sleep.

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