Chapter 1 (V): It's You!

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⚠️ATTENTION⚠️: All the parts of Chapter 1 of this fic have been officially overhauled and rewritten as of 2023/12/29. If you started reading any part of Chapter 1 before this date, I'm very sorry but I urge you to go back to the very beginning aka Chapter 1 (I), otherwise nothing will make sense lol. As always, ty for reading!

(A/N: Sometimes I have urges to make random memes for this fic that are kind of hit-or-miss with being funny.

Ex. Nagito trying not to piss Katsumi off every time he breathes in this trial challenge (impossible)

anyway, back to your regularly-scheduled chapter)

Class Trial

"Well, what now?" Nagito addressed the room. "If the knife isn't the murder weapon, there's no definitive proof that I'm the killer."

Katsumi twitched in irritation. He's leading the conversation as if he didn't just instigate this entire thing.

"Sh-Shut up!" Mahiru snapped at him. "We'll be the judge of that!"

"Y-You say you were shoved away," Teruteru joined in, "but... you can't actually prove it, right?"

"That's right," Gundham said. "Even if a different weapon was used, it does not mean Komaeda has been cleared of suspicion!"

"B-But..." Mikan said, "there's another reason why I don't think Komaeda-san is the killer..."

"...Yeah..." Katsumi agreed. She was reluctant to prove Nagito innocent, but as the ones who did the autopsy, one more piece of evidence stuck out like a sore thumb that she was sure Mikan had noticed in tandem. "Just so we're clear, we've established so far that Togami-kun was killed under the table. Are we all on the same page with that?"

"Is there something wrong with that?" Sonia tilted her head.

"Well..." Mikan lingered on her words a bit. "Because if that's true, I feel Komaeda-san looks... you know... clean..."

Nagito's eyes lit up. "Nobody's ever complimented me on my appearance before! Not even my own mother!"

"Nngh... I'm not talking about your looks!"

Hajime held his chin in thought. "Are you trying to say something like... 'Why didn't Komaeda have any bloodstains on him?'"

"Y-Yes! That's it! Because... under the table, there was a lot of blood splattered everywhere, right?"

Peko crossed her arms. "If he stabbed Togami to death, it's strange he did not get splattered with an appropriate amount of blood..."

"I didn't get any blood on me?" Nagito said. He sounded like he was feigning ignorance. "That is weird, huh?"

Akane shrugged. "You just used somethin' to block the blood, didn't ya?"

"Something that might've been used to block the blood splatter... What do you think it could've been?"

"You're talking about the bloodstained tablecloth we found in the storage room... right?" Hajime said.

"If there are bloodstains on it, that settles it!" Fuyuhiko snapped. "Komaeda used the tablecloth to block the blood splatter!"

"But that was found in the storage room, right?" Gundham said. "Are you suggesting he hid it there after the murder?"

"You mean after the lights came back on?" Nekomaru said. "What would he have done if we'd seen him?"

"That's true..." Hajime said. "That tablecloth was pretty big, so even if you tried to hide it and take it with you..."

"Wearing a tablecloth, going under the table, getting a knife in a blackout and stabbing someone..." Nagito hung his head sadly. "That's not just impossible for someone like me... Wouldn't it also be impossible for you guys, too?"

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