Chapter 2 (I): Him

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Sin and Punishment, Sea and Coconuts
Daily Life

Katsumi hadn't slept one bit, but she had wandered in and out of a state of semi-consciousness, her thoughts drifting. The second the first beep of her alarm sounded, she slammed her hand down to silence it.

She blinked, steadying her blurred vision. After looking around at the sight of the old building's dining hall, she quickly remembered the slew of events that had taken place last night.

Luckily, Nagito didn't seem to be awake yet, even with the first sound of her alarm and she still had time before the morning announcement to grab breakfast and come back without anybody else spotting her.

She quickly put on her coat and headed to the empty restaurant. She hastily put some food on two trays and stepped outside of the restaurant, praying that no one would see her.

She quickly went back inside the old building. However, when she opened the door to the dining hall...


He was awake, lying on the ground, with a big smile on his face.

"Ah, Hirata-san! I'm so glad you came to see me!" Nagito said. "Though, judging from the amount of things on the table over there, could it be...?"

"Tch..." Katsumi's expression immediately turned scornful the second she looked down at him. "If you want to know so badly, Komaeda, I'll tell you..." she spat. "Since Soda-kun knocked you out yesterday, we've been deciding on a guard. We've decided that's going to be me... so don't even try to think of escaping." She gestured to her bag, making sure he remembered how she had held that scalpel up to his throat just yesterday. "As long as you cooperate, you won't be sustaining any injuries, at least from me."

Nagito gave an unnaturally light-hearted chuckle. "Don't worry! I mean... I won't be going anywhere with these restraints..."

Katsumi forcefully pushed a food tray to Nagito on the ground before she sat down at one of the tables and started to eat from her own. The atmosphere and silence were awfully tense.

A few minutes of silence passed before...

"Hey... Hirata-san... Aren't you going to feed me?"

She immediately went still.

What the...?

"I mean, I can't eat like this, you know, with my arms tied up," he said. "Aha... It's embarrassing, but unless if you're willing to free them, then..."

"...Or I could just leave you to starve..." Katsumi scornfully looked down on him, though a few seconds later, she huffed. "Though I don't know the circumstances behind starving someone in a killing game..." She quickly averted her gaze before speaking again, "Fine. I'll do it, then."

She felt her face get hot.

"Haha... sorry about that..." Nagito apologized.

As if that'd help in the slightest...

The next few minutes were painstakingly awkward.


With the Monokuma announcement, Hajime stepped out of bed and saw a note signed by Katsumi that seemed to have been slid under the door.

I need some time alone in my cottage, so I won't be joining everyone at breakfast for a while. There's no need to worry about me, though. I'll be fine soon. Sorry for the trouble.

Huh... she seems to be really down...

He haphazardly pushed his worries away and went to the restaurant with dreary, sullen footsteps. As he arrived, there was a sad tension in the air, still remaining from yesterday.

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