Ch 4: Late Knight Problems

Start from the beginning

Funny guy.

He stops trying to figure out his dilemma and turns to me rather shyly.

Richard: "A-Are you not going to ask about the helmet?" He asks timidly.

Robin: "I wear a scarf everywhere I go, I don't have the right to judge what others wear." I reply.

Richard lets out a sigh of relief.

Richard: "Thanks." He says and I could see the smile from behind the helmet.

Robin: "Not a problem."

As we continue to chat we find ourselves near the outskirts of the city. Around where the city is not is a large open plains. In the distance I spot a fairly large building surrounded by a bunch of other things. A couple of wooden arenas, a stables, other smaller buildings, and a forest right behind it. I believe this was where the training camp was being held.

Richard: "Is that it?!" He says excitedly.

Robin: "I think so."

Richard starts running.

Richard: "Last one there is a rusty sword!" He shouts back.

I humor him and accept his challenge. I feel my scarf slither underneath my clothes and wrap around my legs. I put some mana into it and my legs become light.

I break into a sprint leaving a trail of dust following close behind me.

Richard: "Wa-?!" He makes a surprised noise but I pass him and make quick progress towards the camp.

It seems like all the other attendees are already in the building.

I hear rapid and heavy footsteps behind and I turn around to see a exhausted Richard. I found it impressive that he was able to run nonstop with all that armor on.

Richard: "How *Huff* did you *hah* run so *phew* fast?" He asks finally catching up.

Robin: "Magic." I say plainly. I wasn't lying, but Richard thought otherwise.

Richard: "Fine then *pant* keep your secrets." He says still out of breath.

Robin: "You ready to head in?"

Richard: "In one moment *Hah* just need to catch my *pant* breath."

Robin: "We're quite late you know." It was already ten minutes past the meeting time.

Richard seems to have just now realize the fact.

Richard: "Oh shoot! Let's go!" He says already running towards the entrance.

I follow close behind him.

Once we enter we are met with what seems to be hotel receptionist table. A lady with glasses sits at the desk in front of us. She gives us a strange look that is quickly replaced with a business smile.

I'm impressed at her reaction. I know this is a training camp for aspiring knights but the sight of a boy wearing a scarf and another boy wearing full knight armor should still be confusing.

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