17. Screw It

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I took the rest of the day off, somewhat heartbroken by Taehyung's rejection.

I was in the worst mood possible; everything was falling apart and I couldn't handle it. I wasn't built to handle multiple things at once, it felt like I was drowning.

My mood wasn't aided by Marianna being the stuck-up bitch she was, as she saw me climb back over the fence.

"Are you and Taehyung fucking? Is that why you guys keep sneaking over that fence?" I could still hear her sickening voice echo through my head as she and her friends started cackling. "How does a guy like Taehyung get off mixing with a girl like Georgie?"

She spoke of me like I was nothing but dirt on the bottom of her shoe, and I wanted to throttle her... I could have done it too if I wasn't so mentally drained from the interaction back at the shed.

I just wanted to go home and forget everything.

It would have gone smoothly too if I hadn't forgotten the reason why I was avoiding my family home. As I opened my front door, I was face to face with the gruelling memories of finding my mother on deaths door.

Everything looked the same, but there was a certain stench of trauma coming from the kitchen. So I made sure to avoid that altogether.

The only safe space was my room, so I made my way upstairs and plonked down at my desk. In times like these my mind would work in overdrive. Usually I'd rant to Jimin or Serena but they were still at school so there was no luck there, besides it was all my fault for letting him in again.

Dragging my fingers along my laptop, I pulled it open and watched as the screen lit up on my blog.

That's how I was going to unload. I needed to write.

I need your help...

I know it's usually the other way around and you guy's ask me for advice, but I really need yours right now.

I need to know whether or not to walk away from the guy I love.

If I explain it to you, you'll tell me to leave, but there's something there I just know it. The way he looks at me like he wants to kill me was probably the first indication - nobody looks at another person like that without there being extra feelings... right?

I feel like I'm running around in circles, telling myself to leave and then crawling back before I've made it a mile. It's a never-ending cycle that I just can't escape. I hate him and he hates me, but I know firsthand that there's a fine line between love and hate.

So what if he's unknowingly crossed that line too. What if he loves me?

Do you think I'm crazy for waiting, or should I start looking around for someone else? Please help me, I'm driving myself insane and it's just breaking my heart.

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