4. Romance

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my mum kicking my door open and screaming the place down. Of course, this was a common occurrence for me, but for Jimin it was probably a bit of a shock. She hadn't caught him in my room in forever.

With us being so close, it was inevitable that Jimin was going to find out about my mum's... let's call it 'nature'... sooner or later. The biggest problem with having Jessica for a mother, was that she had no shame, she would publicly ridicule me and embarrass me in front of my friends. I think Jimin started to realise the kind of environment I was living in and tried to indirectly relieve my stress. It started with him asking me to stay round for dinner more often, and then it progressed to spending as much time with me as possible. I know he was doing it to distract me from the hell hole I was living in, which was sweet, but there's only so much I could escape.

That's why I envy Avery so much, he broke free from her chains. He worked his ass off and sent himself to medical school. I'm happy for him, but I wish he didn't leave me behind in the process.

It's hard living with an alcoholic for a mother, because alcohol makes them so unpredictable. I'm sure she loves me in her way, but I'm more of a liability to her than a gift.

"Why the fuck is he in your bed?" My mum snarled, bearing her teeth at a dazed Jimin whose arm was still wrapped around my waist.

"It's just Jimin!" I whined, snuggling back down.

"Yeah, I'm just Jimin!" He mumbled into my back.

"That's the freakin' problem, I wouldn't mind if it was anyone else, but the Park boy? Really Georgie? When are you two going to give each other some space? Thirteen years I've had to deal with this shit."

"Love you too, Jessie!" Jimin slurred, wiping the drool from his chin as he uncurled his body from around mine and headed for the door.

"Don't smart mouth me, boy!" My mum warned, shoving him out the door and making him chuckle even more.

"I'll tell my mum you said hi!" He shouted as he skipped down the stairs.

"Don't you fucking dare!" She yelled, stomping her zebra print flip flops on the creaky floor boards. "God, I can't stand her!"

"Mum!" I snapped, sending her a death glare.

"Don't mum me you little shit. Explain yourself, I've said no to Jimin staying round thousands of times and you still go behind my back."

"He was comforting me and we accidentally fell asleep," I rolled my eyes, lifting myself out of bed and heading to my wardrobe.

"You just so happened to fall asleep spooning?" She questioned, looking at me like I was full of shit. "I will not have him as a son in law, he is honestly the most annoying boy I've ever met."

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