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Dream hunched over the steering wheel with a sigh, currently the ambulance was parked in the parking lot of a mcdonald's whilst his colleague, Bad, was inside getting them coffees. Theyd been on shift for eleven hours now, Dream was exhausted, from barely sleeping at night to being up daily at six on the dot to get to work, making it home at a little over eleven PM, it had absolutely wrecked his body.

He wasn't meant to work such long hours, he knew that, but he wasn't too bothered. It's not like he had anyone at home waiting for him, or anything better to do than work, so he may as well use his time well.

So far today theyd been called out four times, once for a woman with dementia who'd gotten confused and began wandering the street, police attempted to escort her home until she panicked, hitting an officer with her cane before collapsing, to which AmbulanceUnit404 was called to the scene, that being Dreams ambulance. A little whiles after they were called to an early labour, the mother was in no way prepared. She was only young, Dream pitied her, she had no family around and the baby's father was military and was drafted four months prior, he was due home next month (when the baby was due) however she went into labour early, a premature baby boy, thankfully he survived thanks to Dream and Bads fast thinking. Later on in the day they were called to an elementary school where a student had a bad fall and had fractured his arm in three places including shattering his elbow, Dream wondered how the child even managed to damage his arm in such a way from one fall, but then again, kids will be kids. The scene theyd just left was thankfully a lot milder, a child had accidentally dialled 911 whilst watching cocomelon on her mother's phone, the dispatch called an ambulance and police car to the scene in case there was something wrong (due to the silence on the other end of the line) It was safe to say the mother was in shock when four police officers and two paramedics showed up at her door, they just advised that she paid closer attention to what her daughter was doing on the device.

Dream let his head rest for just a second, closing his eyes and letting the cold AC hit his skin, it was 6PM, the sun was close to setting yet that didn't stop the consistent heat throughout the vehicle. He loved the uniforms, it made him feel good, yeah- they weren't the most comfortable but that was besides the point, they gave him a strong sense of pride, he was proud of his job.

The radio was playing Cigarette daydreams by Cage The Elephant, Dream wasn't laying too much attention to it, too caught up in his own thoughts. The side door unlocked, Bad pulled himself in with the same beaming smile he had everyday, two coffees in hand, Dream HATED coffee, he couldn't express how much he hated it from the taste to the smell, but it was the only thing that managed to pull him through every long work day.

"Thank you Bad" He smiled taking the hot coffee, hissing not realising how hot it was- he almost dropped the beverage causing a happy laugh to escape his colleague, Dream shook it off taking a sip instantly gagging, causing Bad to laugh yet again.

"I don't know why you drink it when you hate it that much-" Bad took a sip of his own drink, without the same reaction as Dream as he actually enjoyed his black coffee.

Dream shrugged, sipping it again, more contained this time.
"It keeps me awake"
"You need to stop doing such long shifts" Bad sighed, pushing his glasses up. He glanced to dream who was giving him the 'seriously?' look, his brows raised with half a smirk. "I'm being serious Dream! One day it's going to all catch up to you"

Dream grunted, shifting in his seat, looking out to the busy parking lot. "When that day comes, i'll deal with it, for now, i'm happy doing what i'm doing."

"Why are you so committed to your job?"

"What's the point of sitting at home doing nothing when i can be saving lives, sitting around doing nothing all day? When there's people who i could be helping- saving." He continued to drink his drink, raising his brows with a smug look across his face knowing he'd won this debate.

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