"I am now. I can't starve in class." Yunho blurts out loud with no intention of saying so. Yeosang steps aside cluelessly to let Yunho exit. Instead, the latter reaches for his hand and pulls him out of the class.

"Wait, the bell is gonna ring!"

"I'll be quick, just accompany me," Yunho instructs sternly. He glares at Wooyoung and proceeds to ignore whatever his friend is laughing about later on. Grazing Yeosang's fingers under his clasp couldn't drive him any crazier. He feels elated.

The boys make their way towards the stairs which the closest to the bell that rings two seconds later. They wince at the deafening noise, but Yunho hurries down without a pause and they enter an empty hallway leading to the cafeteria. Yeosang is still shaking his head from the loud sound when suddenly his body is slammed against a locker and Yunho's height towers him.

"What are you doing?" Yeosang hitches his breath seeing Yunho's arms guarding the sides of his head. "The cafeteria is that way, idiot, not the locker."

"Do you give anybody else your new number?" Yunho ignores his words and asks.

"I give it to whoever asked me. Yunho, what is this you're getting too close-"

"You take these personal things as a joke?"

Yeosang keeps their distance further by brushing his hand down Yunho's chest, sending the taller a heat of craziness. "I paid my debt yet you said we're settled. Did I miss something? If there's any dissatisfaction, I can't tell unless you let me know what's left." Yeosang reaches down to his pocket for his wallet before Yunho slaps his hand away.

"This isn't about your stupid debt! Your number isn't any flyer you give out to random people so easily. A lot of girls constantly come to me to ask for it, don't you see how annoying that is?"

Yeosang shrugs. "I'm sorry it becomes bothersome, I'll find a way to stop them from approaching you."

Yunho rolls his eyes and hardens his voice. "Aren't you sick of it, Yeosang? Getting calls from horny females at night? Don't they disturb you?"

"Not really. At least I don't feel lonely being on my own. Like what am I supposed to do with a hanging boner knowing that I'm single?"

Hearing that sentence coming out from Yeosang's mouth infuriates Yunho that his possessive stubbornness starts to take over. "You do that every night?" Yunho growls in an attempt to threaten the younger.

"Not every night- what's that got to do with you?!" Yeosang pushes Yunho's chest back roughly. "Mind your own fucking business, Yunho! Ugh, telling you that makes me feel so gross of myself." Before Yunho could say a word, Yeosang storms back to the stairs while shuddering to himself. "Why do you have to be so nosy in everything I do?!"

Yunho clenches his jaw, glaring at the fleeing boy. "Because I fucking like you, dumbass."


"Alright, Sangie. High enough. Now lower it down as much as you lower your ego."

Almost dropping his controller, Yeosang stumbles back laughing at Jongho's humour who remains in his calm expression. The drone flies high into the sky until its whirring sound becomes faint and inaudible. Yeosang sits back up with his little endearing grin. "You didn't even budge a smile."

"I'm serious. I don't wanna see you throw a tantrum for losing this one in the sky."

The elder crosses his legs and pats his shorts from the dirt. "I wanna fly it to the window of my apartment so that mom can see it while she's in the kitchen."

Jongho watches Yeosang's skilful fingers playing on the buttons of his drone's controller. From the distance, Yeosang looks like nothing but a precious innocent youth with no worries in his life. Protected like a dove caged away from the filth of the outside world. Someone who never has a hideous past, living the time of his life he deserves and belongs.

"Yeosang." Jongho earns a hum from the latter. "Are you still close with Uno?"

"Most likely his friends," Yeosang says without turning his head from the drone. "He was being weird yesterday."

"In what way?"

"He's making a big fuss out of knowing that I give my numbers to girls. Why? You're doubting we'll go anywhere beyond that?"

"No, absolutely not." Jongho shakes his head quickly. "Remember what I promised you? I won't say a word till I know I have to. Friends or beyond, don't you dare begin to think of falling for him, not once. I'm warning you."

His hyung scoffs, putting the controller on his lap. "I'll be dead before I date him."

Jongho's assumptions would always come out otherwise. Despite putting all his trust in his childhood friend, he seeks more anxious thoughts about whether Yunho will take the next step. He knows Yeosang isn't used to be in official relationships and it concerns him that he chooses to hide his secret.

"Give me the controller." Jongho orders. He adjusts the drone's flight to descend back to them. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," Yeosang murmurs while turning off the white drone soon after it lands.

"How much did you hate Uno?"

"Back then?" He bends down to reach for his drone's box. "A lot. I still do, though. Not as much as now since we're friends. Yunho used to dislike being hated which made me enjoy watching him suffer under my knee." Yeosang's tone that came out of his mouth ever so frankly makes Jongho wanting to give him the cold shoulder. "I don't hate him for fun. You can blame my ego, it's not my fault I hated Yunho for being too friendly."

"You know so. I hope it reduces the ridiculous filth in your heart. Hyung, your rage used to be so hard to soothe and people thought your father's anger issues influenced your growth. You're gonna deal with a lot of patience for the next couple of semesters."

"Nothing bad will happen, Jjong. I'll be fine."

Jongho frowns and snatches the drone from Yeosang's hand. "Do me a favour then."

"You sound so obsessed with me." Jongho ignores Yeosang's sly tease. "Fine, spit it out and give me back my drone."

"Listen to me carefully- Hyung!" The younger scolds his friend who wouldn't take the moment seriously by grabbing the poor drone back. "No excessive interaction, no sexual intimacy and do not end up in an empty room with him alone."

Yeosang yawns, stretching his arms behind his head and gleams under the evening sun kiss. "Whatever. You're having finals next week, aren't you? So am I."

"You have plans after that?"

"The boys are going to an outdoor theme park in Seoul. Wanna join?" Yeosang offers, wrapping his arm over Jongho's shoulder. "I'll try getting you an extra ticket."

"Sounds cool."


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