"Blondie, am I mean to you?" I teased and put my hands on my hips while Rune tied up his hair again so his light wavy strands fell down softly at the back of his head.

"The harder the training the more I'll learn." He stated unimpressed and proceeded to dust some dirt off his pants.

"By the way, your hair is too long. It'll get tangled up and because it's people will notice you in the forest immediately because of its color." I remembered that I wanted to say that but Rune quickly took a step back.

"I'm fine with my hair like this. But if you to dare cut it off, I might kill you." He threatened in all honesty and I finally saw an opportunity to greatly get on his nerves with this. Every person had a limit of patience and Rune's seemed to be his hair...

"Hm, you should be glad I don't carry a scissors." I sighed and stretched my back when seeing how the sun stood very low already. There was a little silence between the two of us and again I noticed how he lost focus. The whole day that had been the case but after lunch it got worse. Was Rune really scared of the Falcon family? It was odd to say the least.

"Rave, don't forget the check list.
Mr. Gray insisted on it." Jane then handed me a piece of paper and a pen to put crosses there. I almost forgot about the check up to the participation of the game because it was so useless. Jane was right though, if Mr. Gray wanted it then we better did it...

"I'll ask you some questions so you can participate. Just answer with yes or no."

"Training time is already over..." he remarked but I didn't pay attention to it. What did I care if he wanted to go home?

"Any chronic deceases?" I breathed out not wanting to go through all this.

Rune let himself slide down a tree so he could sit.


"Consumption of medication or drugs that affect your physique or mind?"

"No." He continuously answered without any interest. What even were these questions? If someone here was taking drugs they'd never admit it.


"The hell?" He grunted a little and I smirked at him.

"What? How am I supposed to know what your genitals look like? For all I know you could be a trans boy." I argumented and actually considered the possiblity for a second. Right... how did I know Rune was not a trans boy?

"I am not. And even if, I would not get pregnant randomly." He defended himself and crossed his arms. So not a transboy... more like a fem boy.

"Whatever, I told you to just say yes or no. So... disabled?"


"Wearing contact lenses, glasses, ear pieces or any other device?" I was already about to skip to the next question when he unexpectadly reacted differently.

"Why?" He asked and I thought for a few seconds before I remebered the reason.

"Glasses, Lenses, earpieces, etc. could secretly have GPS or any other sensors to cheat in the game... that's why they have to be controlled." I rattled down not knowing why this was important all of a sudden before Rune asked yet another question. How was technology even so advanced that they put sensors in a tiny contact lense?

"I'm wearing lenses. Do I need to take them off for inspection?" His eyes glowed in a serious manner and I had to admit that I never realized him wearing contacts. I squatted down and raised his chin with my hand to take a closer look at his eyes. Now that I payed attention to it I saw them but these were colored lenses and not those for seeing better. Rune blankly stared back and didn't move. His face felt cold from the cool air in the forest park and his cheeks had a rosy pink color.

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