chapter [6]

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2 months later


It was time for recruitment at this time in early May. Me, Jane and some other Inoue group members of our age and older were all gathered in one of the training halls at the headquarters. This happened every year at the same day when we'd recruit new people from different groups and the few that had the powers of the Inoue family but didn't join the group yet. Vince wasn't with us since only the ones with the Inoue gifted powers were allowed to guide newcomers. To be honest I didn't enjoy being here on a rainy day like this because I'd rather train more.
After we returned home with the dagger I had had a long conversation with my aunt, the head of the group, about how careless I acted and what dangers I could've caused for everyone if the dagger got into the wrong hands. Luckily, she had promised to not tell my older brother since he was on the other side of the world right now. Him knowing that I screwed up was even worse than being told to self reflect... I could not show weakness in front of him if I wanted him to respect me.

But that wasn't the matter right now so I tried to push the thought back and prepare for all the newcomers with their annoying questions and weak abilities. It was seriously such a nasty work showing them around, explaining everything and if they didn't have fighting experience the training was energy draining.

"Do you think he will show up?" Jane pulled me out of my thoughts when she sat down next to me on the side benches of the hall.

"Who the hell are you talking about. Be more specific." I said back but made enough space for her to sit.

"The guy we met in Germany, the one that threatened you to death." She giggled knowing she hit a nerve as I gave her a death glare.

"That guy must be suicidal if he dares setting a foot in this building. He probably wouldn't even get through all the paper work to be allowed to join the group." I spoke my thoughts out loud, doubting that they'd let any random person join our group. And if I ever saw that brat again... I'd make sure to pay him back.

"He really was an odd one, don't you think?" Jane continued getting lost in her memories and I stared at her for a second and shook my head with a sigh. If even Jane thought he was odd there had to be some truth to it.

"He's an arrogant brat if you ask me."

"Yeah, but he was completely fearless and how he dodged your punsh was kinda fascinating. And don't you think it's odd that he used make up to make him look more shabby?" Her eyes sparkled with interest but I didn't want to think about it. The fact that I hadn't been able to catch him was embarrassing enough.

"Wait, so that actually was make up?" I wondered loudly when remembering how the guy had said this to me. Honestly, I was pretty sure he had been lying to deny the fact that he was ugly but if Jane noticed it it had to be true.

"Yeah, I noticed immediately when I brought him inside. I've seen people doing this before but I still don't get it." She signed and shrugged before getting up to stretch her arms.

"The newbies will come in any minute so you better be nice to them or I'll tell your aunt." She threatened with a sweet smile and punshed my shoulder a little too hardly to be friendly. I couldn't be angry at her for that though because I always did the same.

Just as Jane predicted, 5 minutes later about 30 people, mostly young ones in their 20s like us walked into the hall. Some of them where shyly looking around, some were blooming with joy and other's did already know this place. It was the same every year although this year there were a little less applicants. That was definitely a good thing though because it meant less work.

"Welcome to the LA Inoue headquarters. If I'm not mistaken you should have already received a presentation about how all of this works half an hour ago." The loud voice of Mr. Gray echoed through the hall and all the people attentively listened and nodded.

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