chapter [34]

43 3 16


Everything had become a blurr in front of my eyes when explosions, screams and gunshots were heard everywhere.
Everytime I attacked Peter I needed to check for the ones surrounding us in close range of the attack. Meanwhile the man himself fought with no regard for others and mercilessly swung his dagger again and again. Not even his own mens lifes meant anything to him so I was left with needing to protect everyone else instead of focusing on the battle.

In one moment we were both jumping up high in the sky while at the other the earth was shaking when our fists met.
Every scream of victory turned into groans of pain and despair and the the ground was bathed in red.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! THE PEOPLE YOU SWORE TO PROTECT ARE BEING MASSACRED!" I yelled out at him barely dodging the dagger he still aimed at every part of my body with no hesitation. A shock wave erupted from his body and I was brutally thrown through the air. Before I crashed with the crowd, his fist came swinging at my side so my body hit the floor so hardly the earth was shaking once again.

The left half of my face was covered in blood but I was far away from giving up. Every hit he landed made my determination rise. I would not stop even if I was at the verge of death.

"You still don't get it, do you?" Peter came walking at where I was still crawling on the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead.
Small pieces of rocks and other objects had left bleeding scratches on his face and neck but compared to me he was still well able to fight.

I pushed myself up on my feet but was immediately smashed down again when Peter rammed his heel into my back.
I groaned when a sharp pain went through my whole body and numbed my senses for a second.

"Who cares who dies in this battle and who lives? At the end I'll be the strongest one among them all. Mellontikos, Inoue, Hwang... it doesn't matter what group they belong to because they'll all be crawling at my feet just like you are." He hissed and pulled my hair mercilessly yanking my head back.

"You're gonna die right here and now, my dear nephew." He growled and held the cursed dagger at my throat so its blue glow was blinding my view.

I grinned at him bitterly and coughed out a clot of blood. The regeneration ability had been weakened by the exhausted state of my body as well as the poison gifted ability that Peter had used on me.

"You'll never have control over any of them. They'd rather die than being under an abandoned weakling!" I yelled out and used the opportunity to pull out a small knife from my side and cut off my hair right were he held it.

Immediately, I rolled to the side and began to run again.

I needed more time to think of another strategy. Everything I did left barely a scratch on him and I hadn't been able to absorb his powers at all.
The worst disadvantage was that we couldn't know how many abilities Peter had obtained already.

Abruptly, I stopped in the middle of the fight when I witnessed a Mellontikos soldier firing at none other than Neil. He had his back turned to the soldier but I was fast enough to catch the bullets before they could hit him.

The strands of my blond hair that was now short fell into my face when I pushed Raven's brother to the side once again when Peter came at us with an aura of tremendous bloodlust.

"EVACUATE!!" I yelled at him in desperation when Neil noticed that I had been the one to save him just now.

"STAYING HERE ANY LONGER WILL LEAD TO ENORMOUS CASUALITIES!" I added but Peter did not leave me a second to speak my mind.

"YOUR PLAN FAILED AND NOW YOU'RE ORDERING US TO PULL BACK WHEN TRYING TO ACCOUNT FOR YOUR FAILURE?" Neil's face had turned red as he brutally smashed the soldiers head.

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