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"You think?" Matteo questioned crunching up his brows

"I'm not quite too sure, I have to take the test" he nodded and got up

Two minutes later he came back with the pregnancy test in hand

It probably took him that long just to find them because he has no idea where anything is

Cue an eyeroll

He gently handed it to me and I collect it with shaky hands

I went to the bathroom and five minutes later

Matteo is scratching his arm really badly I'm afraid his skin will be left in his hands

"Is it time yet?" He whispered


"Well" his hands were in the air "what does it say" he still whispered

"I don't know, I'm afraid to look" I whispered back

I have absolutely no clue as to why we are whispering but we do it anyways

"Please you check first" I said tearing up

He nodded and picked it up gently from the night stand

Then his eyes went wide a smile broke out from his face
Then he proceeded to jump up on the bed screaming

He ran towards me and only then I realised I was pregnant

He came and softly pick me up kissing me on the neck "I'm gonna be a daddy" he whispered

"I'm gonna be a mommy" I whispered, tears streamed down my face

Happy tears

-----~~~~~~7 months later~☆☆☆☆☆☆

It's been nine months since I became pregnant

I'm tired


Hungry always

And horny 

...You guessed it ..

Matteo had been putting up with me and has not once complained

I truly am blessed with worlds best husband

They said that I am due in a weeks time and I'm freaky out a bit

We are waiting till he/she is born to find out the gender

We wanted a surprise

As I looked down as in walking out the door with matteo at my left and his whole team of body guards surrounding me

I saw water
Lots of it

Realty hit and I realised


Rapping Matteo on his arm harsly
"My water broke, my water broke, my water broke " I kept repeating till he started to freak out

Then was a hectic time to get me into the car and to the hospital
Because our doctor isn't around he got shot in his heart and well he's dead and we are still looking for the right doctor

We busted through the hospital doors with matteo shouting at the doctors

Two hours later and I'm pushing

With everything I got

I feel like I'm pushing out a watermelon wipes being crises by a bus and a snake biting at my hands

Two more hours later and I'm exhausted as fuck

And I'm sure Matteo feels the same way

With all the screaming and me hitting at him over and over again

And biting his hand

He still said nothing as tears filled his eyes and he held our baby-

Mrs.Mafia Giovanni Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя