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I still can't believe it

I love matteo Giovanni

And I slept with him

~5hrs before~

"I can not hold it back and I refuse to, you are my wife and the love of my life. Although I had a plan I knew everything changed from the moment I laid eyes on you. The way your draw brown eyes held fear but you still check it out when I shot that scumbag enzo, the way your 5'6 figure would fit perfectly into mine. The line that forms on your forehead when you're thinking, the way your hands shake when you're nervous, how you only put one cube of sugar in your coffee how you use alcohol to block out the word. The way u watch cartoons that you've seen a thousand times and act like it's your first, how brave you were when you killed your mom I've never seen anyone like you. I have never seen anyone so beautiful and smart and graceful and fearless  like you . I love you" .

Tears streamed down my face as he confessed his love for me it's only been a month since I killed that lady that gave birth to me

And everything was going great and now

It's better

I got up from my seat and took my time wiping the tears from my eyes and I pulled him in kissing him like I needed it to live

Our tongues danced like it was our first time

I pulled back only a little

"I love you too"
Then I connect our lips once more

And our clothes were our worst enemies at that moment

My bra was the last thing to come off

And I didn't even know when he moved us to the bedroom

We were just in the kitchen

I only realised that we were in the bedroom after he dropped me on the bed

Then he began èating like it was his last meal

Least to say we had fun

And for the first time ever

I made love and not just fűčķ

Five hours later and he's now asleep and I can't move

I'm exhausted

Sleep came only when matteo turned over and pulled me close to his body in his sleep

Mrs.Mafia Giovanni Where stories live. Discover now