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If you want you can skip ahead this chapter is not necessary it will just give a basic understanding of her life
(summary of her life before being a stripper)

Hi im daisy...sorry let me start again Im Mazikeen, I'm from Canada and my stripper name is daisy.

I am a stripper, I know, I know your probably judging me and thats fine because you don't know my story, so let me just give you a little recap of my life.

My mom died during child birth and my dad hated me because as he said 'I killed his wife' I killed the only person he has ever and probably will ever love so when I was four he decided that the 'mistake' aka me should get what I deserved and I deserved to get punished.

He started to abuse me physically and mentally, when I turned six he said he couldn't take care of such an abomination sòoooooooo he decided it's best to leave a damn child all alone in a house without any one and move to another country.

Luckily my neighbour heard me crying on night and she took me to child's care and they got into contact with my bastard of a father and he told them to put me up for adoption.

Me who has the best luck in the world got adopted by the age of seven,moved to west virginia and lived with the best people in the world (note the sarcasm).

They were like satan himself, the old dude use to try to touch me sexually that perverted ass I hope he's dead and his wife use to torment me emotionally.

when I turned fourteen I made friends and see that as a child I was not suppose to be treated like that and I packed a bag and ran

i ran for miles with $6 in my pocket a hungry stomach and a bag filled with clothes and old photos

I did the logical thing in that situation and bought a bus ticket and go as far as the bus will take me and that was to another bus stop in front of a bar, which I later found out was in New York.

I walked into the bar and because I had an amazing body at that age I got tuns to cat calls by really creepy older men

when I turned I bumped into a waiter and he dropped a tray with a few papers and I helped him pick them up whiles holding one of the paper he turned took one look at me..well my body and said "your hired"

little did I know my life take a turn

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