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I have not a clue why I didn't kill  Mazikeen that night but watching as she jumps from the balcony my heart stopped every thing was frozen even the stars in the sky stop twinkling

I felt helpless

I've never felt helpless in all my life

standing there a single tear left my eye and I do not cry

as she fell into the pool and the water splashed I finally came back to reality

I was about to jump after here then I realised if I jump i could end up in the hospital and I won't be able to help her

run down all the stairs in the mansion all I could think about was what she said

who would hurt her who would get to her

she could've spoken to me not fucking jump

for gods sake we are 37ft from the ground

this is so fucking frustrating

why the hell am i running around like a headless chicken I've never cared this much about anybody, why does this bitch make me feel like this

I was suppose to lock her was up in the celler but I couldn't bring myself to put her there so instead I gave her a whole fucking bedroom. I need to fuck this woman and get her out of my system

ever since I saw her at that strip club she was like a god damn angle and I needed her maybe it's the lust talking

she walked right into me, I couldn't let her be. For some messed up reasoon I need to get her even if it ment to kidnap her

reaching the pool and seeing her body laying lifeless my heart began to ache without a second taught i jumped in behind her not caring about the phone in my pocket or the money in my wallet nor the gun at the back of my pants

lifting her out and screaming for the doctor
it's a good thing one of the guys were shot last night so he could be on duty

laying her in the infirmary she looked so pale God I know I'm not much of a believer but please bring her back to me do me this one favor and I'll starting atleast going to church please god please

"boss, you have to leave the room. I cannot work with people in here" said Mike aka the doctor he smile sadly "if anything happens anything at all you'll be the first to know, but for now you need to leave" he said in a more rushed tone

out side the room im sitting on the floor fidgeting with my hand my head thrown back on the wall and I'm helpless it's been an hour and still nothing no one has come in or out the room

suddenly the door opened and out walked Mike


"boss" he said looking down omg is she dead did I kill her god please not

" well get to the fucking point" I yelled at him

"well she alive" I sighed that's all I needed to know before I burst into the room

my angel is sitting on the bed watching tv with a little bit more coloured than when I brought her in

I walked over to her and engulfed her into a hug she tensed and tried to pull away but I'm not having any of that

I don't know what it is about this woman but I can't seem to help but care

she slapped my hands and I removed them for around her, she looked into my eyes with those big hazel eyes

"what the fuck do you think your doing"
okay I will admit that wasn't what I was expecting but she's talking strong so that must be a good sign

"hi" I smiled at her and took a seat next to her bed holding her small hands in my larger ones "are you okay?" ofcourse she not okay you idiot she thinks your going to take her to people that would hurt her and she just tried to commit suicide

"I'm fine, what do you want?" she spat with annoyance in her voice " I taught i told the doctor not to let you in"

oh so she told my employee not to let me in

"you told Mike not to let me in" i asked well more like stated

"yes" was all she said and turned her attention back to the television


MAZE POV -after the jump

I woke up barfing the last thing I remember was jumping off the balcony and feel like I can fly

"hey how do you feel?" asked a red hair guy who's dressed in scrubs and a white coat

I'm guessing he's the doctor

"much better that I did a few seconds before" I smile and extended my hand "I'm Mazikeen you can call me maze"

he smiled sweetly shaking my hand  " I'm Mike" he's kind of cute and has an Australian accent

"it's a pleasure"

"pleasures all mine maze, so let me tell you about your injuries"

"okay doc" he smirked as I said doc
okay so I figure he likes to be called doc okay okay I don't judge

"doc sounds nice rolling off your toung" he said in a low tone trying to sound sexy "now you have a sprained wrist from the impact of the fall nothing too serious, I'll give you a card of pain killers you could use because I'm sure wants the anesthetic is worn off there's going to be alot of pain all around the body. you've been out for 10 minutes but you should be fine, if you'll excuse me I have to call Mr. Giovanni"

"no don't tell him Im awake just yet" I grabbed his hand "if you don't have anything important to get to could you maybe keep my company?"

"ofcourse maze I'd be delighted" he took a seat and we got to know eachother

hes originally from Australia he's two years older than me which makes him 21 and he's a doctor. he has 3 sisters and four brothers, I wish I had a big family or any family as a matter of fact.

half an hour passed and he said he needed to tell Matteo that I'm okay and awake if he wanted to keep his job and life I sighed but nodded

the doors flung open and in walked Matteo he basically ran towards me he looked like hell with his bloodshot eye

why had he  been crying ?

he pulled me into a hug not wanting to let go I finally got my self out of his grip and he sat opposite me

"what the fuck do you think your doing" he look a little shocked I said that but still smiled and his eyes softened

"hi" what the hell " are you okay?" ofcourse I'm not okay now that your here

"I'm fine, what do you want?" I spat getting angry that he's sitting there holding my hands like he cares "I taught i told the doctor not to let you in" his eyes widened

"you told Mike not to let me in" he asked but it sounded more like a statement

"yes" who else should it be I mean I just said I told him not to let you in

rolling my eyes, pulling my hands from his I fixed my self comfortable on the bed

"can you tell me who he is? and why he'll hurt you?" Matteo asked I sighed but hesitantly nodded

I don't know why I'm agreeijng to tell him but I feel like I can trust him for some odd reason

time to bring up all bad memories

this is going to be a long night

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