Evening Bliss

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Happy Reading😊


Sun was ready to welcome the moon,
the blue sky with orange yellow strokes making the whole sky look like an artistic painting or a poet's imagination of a perfect eve. . .

In between, Virat was sitting in his porch with his evening tea watching Sai taking rounds of garden since past half hour

"Miss Joshi are you going to keep walking left to right until I become giddy" He asked

"What rounds!! I m busy" She nervously said

"But You don't seem to be busy at all
in fact you look suspicious" He suspected

"Do you want coffee?" She asked

"What?" He confusingly said

"I mean Its just a good weather see! you should go and make coffee" She stammeringly said

"Are you okay Miss Joshi? Did you get hurt somewhere?" He distraughtly asked

"Why don't you go and get some fresh air you will feel better" She replied

"What are you upto? Are you planning to throw something on me??? He doubted

"Umm I just. . . " She stammered

"You?" He wondered what is making The Sai Joshi to stammer

"I just wanted to give this to you" She put paper on his hand and ran inside the house

He was surprised by her behaviour, normally she comes and just declares what she wants to say like an arbitrator

He fearfully opened the letter hoping its not his termination letter. But in just a second his fearful face turned
red with delight

He read it aloud to make his eyes believe

Thank you so much for yesterday

P.S Its not your termination letter 😉

"She can read minds too!" He mumbled.  He looked both shocked and blushing at the same time.


Next day while working Sai spotted Virat, Mohit and Samrat talking to each other in the waiting area. She was sitting behind one side mirror where she could clearly hear and see them but they couldn't.

"People say women's heart is hard to understand, but most girls in this world thirst for a romantic love that wanders about the end of the word" Virat said

"Wanders about the end of the world" Mohit curiously noted

"When this Earth has no longer your existence, when you both are standing at the edge of this world" Virat said while holding Samrat hands

"In what language they are talking?" Sai thought

She looked at Mohit who was seriously noting each and every word.

"In that instance you both have each other, her soul entirely lost in you, and at that moment you have to hug her tightly" Samrat continued further by tightly hugging Virat

"You are hugging me too tightly, I will die" Virat shouted

"oh sorry sorry" he said while leaving him

"See that is what you need to remember. It should be soft and flawless while hugging a women you can't loose gentleness" Virat romantically said

" Understand" Both said in unison

SaiRat- Bound with Love (Office Romance)Where stories live. Discover now