Too much Welcoming Neighbour

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Sai noticed Virat talking to a lady, she decided to quietly shied away

"Veeru!!!!! who is she??? don't tell me you got married and didn't even told me!!" Shivani shouted, she is a lady who lives with her Japanese husband she is one of those who loves to keep record of each and everything going on in the neighbourhood

"Ohh no no bua you are mistaking she is the new tenant"

"Miss Joshi" Virat called

"This is Shivani ji she lives beside our house" he introduced

"you can call her bua" He said

"Bua seriously?? Now a days even in India, people don't even know the name of their neighbour and look at this man he is making relations in Japan" she wondered

"Hello I m Sai" She said out of courtesy

" so which college you are in?" She asked

"I don't go to college" she answered, she could notice Virat controlling his smile

"Bua she is not here for studies, she is India's ambassador she is doctor by profession" he interrupted

"Ohhhhh!! you look so young" she said while touching her cheeks

For next 10 minutes They started discussing about some of their old neighbours or people they know who used to look too young or old, meanwhile Sai feels like being in enviable position of being sandwiched
between two nauseating neighbours

"I m getting late, I will take your leave now, Nice to meet you Ma'am" Sai said and quickly leaves

"Hey Sai why don't you both join us for dinner someday" she smilingly said

"Sorry actually, I'm quite busy"

"Oh common dinner to sab karte hai, you are coming that's it! Veeru toh aa jayega right Veeru" She politely said

"yeah!!" Virat said with his usual smile

She thought of saying yes as she thought in this way she will be able to leave




Finally after a week of delaying she ran out of excuses, She was left with no option other than accepting the dinner invitation.

While pressing the door bell, her brain was occupied with numerous questions, what are you supposed to say to someone you just met and got directly invited for dinner

"Shivani Ji" Sai inquired

"Sai" Japanese man asked in reply, she assumed him to be Shivani Ji's husband

"Come in" he opened the door for her

"Please sit" he pointed towards an ancient Japanese culture sofa of Kamakura period or at least that old, she thought, while Virat was already sitting with a glass of some green coloured welcome drink

"so How is your stay in Tokyo, How is your life going " Shivani asked, she started talking to her as if she knew her from childhood

"C'mon, we are meeting for the second or third time!!!!" she thought

"It's good" she decided to keep it short

"So what did you studied" Shivani asked

"Bua she is doctor by profession, she has completed her MBBS from AIIMS" Virat answered before her

SaiRat- Bound with Love (Office Romance)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora