Is She really a Human?

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Virat came back to his home, he was in love with this new house though its quite away from the city, huge garden at the front make it more peaceful place to live in, But  it didn't looked much peaceful tpday as he saw the same strange girl standing in his garden

"What are you doing here?? Didn't I told you I will meet you in the Embassy??" He went to her running

"Excuse me who are you?"  she looked at him

"What!! Are u serious!! or you have memory issue!! " He shockingly asked

"I erase things that aren't important! but yes!! you are the one who was calling yourself secretary" she 
egoistically replied

" What do you mean "calling" I m the head Secretary!!" He proudly claimed

"Oh!! nice" She ignored and walked towards the house

"Where are you going? Thats my house" He said

"Your house?? I have rented the upper floor of this house" She argued

After 10 minutes they were sitting in the hall

"You said some Chauhan sahab lives here? From which angle he looks like Chauhan  'sahab' to you?" Girl asked to the agent

"Excuse me?! first of all its "Chavan" and what do you mean by I don't look like ? " he interrupted while giving stress to Chavan

"Sir I called  you, and you agreed" The  Indian broker innocently replied

"yes Because I thought its some old man at least the name said so" he defended

"What my name sounded like an old man to you?" she  queried angrily

"yeah Saaai Joshi what else would I think of" He mocked 

"Sai!!! its Sai" she raised her eyebrows

"Ma'am, Sir if you both are done with your name games then Can I leave,  you both have to live here it will be difficult to find such beautiful house at this time of the year at this price" The broker said

Both of them gave an angry looks to him

"Its a big house plus its Japan, hundreds of strangers live together happily. Let me take your leave, have a good stay" the broker said and quickly got up to leave as he thought its wise to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Have a good day, Sayounara( Bye in Japanese)" he smilingly bowed down

"Sayounara" Virat said bowed down to him


Sai looked around the house, she saw a basket full of balls at the corner with cricket bats on top of it,  Joysticks were lying the sofa, there were three curtain on the glass wall, each having a huge picture. It took her a second to realise that its a picture of  three lead characters of  movie Harry Potter

"How many  kids do you have?" Sai asked while still looking around

"What?  kids?? whose kids?" he shockingly asked

"Yours!  the house is full of toys" She said

"From which angle do I look like a father to you?" he irritedly said

"Do you think I will look at you from any angle?" She said with a side smile

"yeab right !How can a monkey know the taste of ginger" He taunted

She decides to ignore and  searches for the  staircase to go upstairs, she liked every thing about this house expect for this common entrance area

As she stepped up she notices A dumbbell was kept at the edge of every staircase
they were in increasing order
2.5 kg
5 kg
7.5 kg
10 kg , she reads the weight while stepping up
12.5 kg
20 kg
"hmm 30 kg" She loudly says

"So steps ended or you can't lift more than 30 kg? " She wondered

"Good then you can carry my bags easily to upstairs they are just of  25 kgs"  She pointed at her bags without waiting for his reply

Virat looked at three huge bag at the entrance, and suddenly he felt like 
the reins of his house have gone into someone else's hands

"Mr. Secretary thank you for your kindness" She said, which seemed like a taunt to Virat

He was feeling irritated he wanted to deny but , His homeroom teacher's voice ranged in his ears "Always Help others"

"Virat!!! don't loose your calm she is just a college student" Virat reminded himself, He wasn't in a mood to argue so quietly carried the bags to her

Next morning

Like any normal day Samrat was waiting for him outside his house, this time with Mathri in his hands, he offered the same to Virat

"Yes Ma'am I m standing outside the house only. . .okay ma'am" They saw a man standing at the main entrance with a black  luxury Toyota car

"Whose this for?" Samrat asked while keenly looking at the car

"I m sure it is for that new tenant" Virat answered

"New tenant?"

"yeah Sai Joshi, that stupid broker has rented the upper  floor to this Sai" Virat irritedly answered

"Saai,  is it a Man?"  Samrat asked

"Even I said the same! aur bhai keep your volume down otherwise she will come here to correct you its 'Sai' " Virat laughed

"ohhh!! How is she ?"  Curiosity in his stomach immediately took a boil

"Well  she looks like a college student but carries an attitude of a  principal" Virat said while looking at the upper floor of his house

"Why are you saying like that? Teri class le li kya? " Samrat giggled

"Ah!! no, I guess she is here for higher studies, she is bit blown up,  with time wisdom will come"  Virat  grumbled

"but bhai who goes to college with such luxury car?" Samrat wondered

"She can go! she is quite over the moon" Virat replied

"looks like a Rich dad's princess" Samrat mocked


Both smilingly walked in the  Embassy, but their smile sublimited the very next moment

Whole scenario of the Embassy was changed, not even a single desk was at its respective place, everything  and everyone was in turmoil.

Virat cabin which was glued at the corner along side the widow is now shifted to the centre of the Embassy

"What is all this?"Samrat quickly grabbed Mohit and both shockingly asked in unison

"I told you this new Ambassador works in his own way! This is what they mean by necessary arrangements"  Mohit said

Virat went to his new cabin with his  dropped face. He  sat on his chair looked at the new name plate of  his old cabin

Dr.S.K Joshi, Ambassador of India to Japan

He hoped this Joshi isn't like the one he encountered at his house last night.


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