Is it the First Spark of Love?

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"Aaabaa"  Virat heard Sai's voice while he was taking off his shirt
He ignored and went to the bathroom even after taking shower two times he could still feel the smell of vinegar

He could hear strange voices from upstairs, but he decided to first clean up his own mess , his whole house was filed with the smell of vinegar, he shifted his sofa to the corner and went to bring bean bag and thought of playing video game to change his mood, after some time he saw Sai coming down till last step then again going back
This was happening for the fourth time now

"What are you trying to do?" he asked

She ignored and again ran upstairs, this continued for half an hour, finally she stopped

He was busy in defeating his opponent in his game when he saw Sai staring at him

"What do you want to throw now?" he said, continuing his game

"There is a wild cat under my bed, and she groaning, and not coming out" she came down and said 

"no one can be wilder than you" He mumbled  and went busy in kicking out the enemy

"I  said There is wild cat under my bed , Its not coming out!!!!" she repeated

"what do you want me to do then?"

"Pull her out" she slowly said

"The great Sai Joshi who can scare the whole Embassy just by her one stare, surrendered in front of a little cat" He wondered

"Are you going to help or  keep lecturing like that?" she sternly said

"Coming!!!!  I m not like you who throws vinegar at people"  he paused his game and got up

"where is it" he whispered

"under the bed"

He peeked down, two green eyes were staring at him

"Its a billu" He said

"What's a billu?" she asked

"A male cat" He answered

"Oh how do you know its male? And what's billu its called billa" she asked

" male cat is called Billu not billa" he argued

"okay then let's just decide this first, we have world free time" She said with irritation.

"whatever it is just take it out" She said

"Billu oh my billu come!! come!!" He got down on his knees started making weird noises

"She is not your girlfriend that you are sweet taking to!" She groaned

" you want it to come out or not?! then Let me do it my way" He clarified

" le le aaaja aaja" he continued, cat growled in return

"she won't come out like this do something else" she suggested

"ohh now I understood the problem" He sat back


"Its a Japanese cat, and we are talking to it in Hindi and English he is not understanding our language" he guessed

"Who did I called Bappa!!!' this man is asking a cat if she knows Hindi or not" She blabbered

"When she will be out I will ask  her to learn  languages  ! okay!!  " she taunted

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