They sat down, and Tommy saw just how far away they were from everyone else. It didn't bother Tommy too much though, and he started to eat at a relatively quick pace so he would make his class.

While eating, he thought about his new life here. Not in a negative way. No, not at all. He was thinking of it more in a, 'Wow, is this for real?' kind of way.

Tommy thought about several things as he ate his breakfast on that fine Thursday morning.

Mostly that he was living in a castle. An actual castle. It was freezing cold, the paintings were weird, he had a messy roommate that he could see himself being best friends with in the not so far off future, and he was definitely going to need more blankets if he was going to make it through the winter.

He also thought about the odd layout of his room. He wondered who thought that it was a good idea to only have one bunk bed, and force two people that hadn't met before they became roommates to sleep so close to each other.

On the topic of the room, Tommy was mainly thinking about how he was going to get Tubbo to give him the top bunk. He wanted that top bunk, and he was going to get it.

Tommy had eaten quickly, and stood up the moment he had finished, because despite how hard he was thinking about his new home, he was also very conscious of the upcoming class. He walked over to the disposal area, and dumped his silverware into their respective bins.

Tubbo had been close behind him, and he did the same before they left the cafeteria to go to their first class.

By the end of his maths class, Tommy had decided a few things, only one sort of about math.

The one about his maths class was that he totally understood everything, and that he would be spending a lot of time in the library trying to figure out what in the world that lady was saying.

He also planned to be spending some time in the library trying to figure out what he could get her in trouble for. He was pretty sure that there was something that he could incriminate her for. If it was that she assigned to many projects and tests or if that she was very impolite to Tubbo and some other kids, almost rude and derogatory but not quite, and Tommy knew that there was something he could get his maths teacher in trouble for. He knew it.

Completely off topic from his maths class, Tommy had decided that a psychopath had designed his room, and that's why he was so close to Tubbo. Not that he minded, of course. He really liked Tubbo and was happy that he was his roommate. Then on the other hand, he still planned on getting the top bunk from Tubbo. He thought that he could get it by moving all of Tubbo's stuff to the bottom bunk and all of his stuff to the top. Tommy was sure that Tubbo would be mad about it, but doubted that he would do anything, thus naming Tommy the victor of that bed wars round. Not that Tubbo had agreed to play.

Their next class was science, and it was just as uneventful as science was. But to Tommy's joy, they got their lunch break after science, and had had a fifteen minute break between maths and science.

Tubbo had told Tommy to go to the lunch room on his own, saying that he'd be there in a minute and not to worry.

Tommy sat down with his food. He had a quiche and a bowl of soup for lunch.

Tommy had been eating for approximately a minute, when he heard a happy voice pop up next to him.

"Hey, Tommy!" Tommy looked up from his plate to see a smiling Tubbo, in a slightly different uniform. It was different from the regular one, this one had what looked to be a blazer, but it also had two tails and larger silver buttons that Tubbo had done up.

"Hey," Tommy responded. He decided that it wasn't worth it to question the garment.

"We have about a half hour before our next class,"

"Okay..." Tommy said quietly, finishing up his food as Tubbo started on his. They were sitting alone-ish again, and after he finished eating, Tubbo worked on copying his schedule onto a separate piece of paper for Tommy to have, as the staff had forgotten to give him one. He probably could have asked for a copy from either the secretary or Evelynn, but Evelynn was scary and he didn't know where the secretary would be.

While Tommy was thinking about other ways to obtain the schedule, Tubbo had finished. "Done!" Tubbo exclaimed, holding up the paper with a neatly written schedule.

"Yay!" Tommy took the schedule from Tubbo, and scanned it over quickly. He knew the general layout of his classes, but was surprised to see that their next subject was horseback riding, but misspelled to say 'Horseback Ridding,"

"What's horseback ridding, Tubbo? Are we performing surgery on horses to remove their spines or some shit?"

Tubbo reached over and grabbed the paper to scribble out 'Ridding,' and replaced it with 'Riding.' He didn't say anything to Tommy about his mistake.

Tommy laughed, amused at his new friend's annoyance, "Why don't we go to class, 'ey?"

"Hmph." was all Tubbo responded with, seeing that Tommy thought that he was being ridiculous. He got up and put away his tray and all of the stuff on it.

"Well then, let's go to our next class!" Tommy said, still smiling. This time Tubbo smiled too, albeit reluctantly.

Word Count: 1510

A/N: We're back! Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation, then I decided to complete the next few chapters. Anyways, vote if you enjoyed :)

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