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All the characters and places mentioned in this story are fictional, and they do not exist. Also, all the images and photos used, does not belong to me.


Hey everyone, this is Jia Davis (ya, I know, author is stuck with this name, but let me tell you, I am not as enduring as Gia from 'Second chance at love' and nor Am I strong as Jia from 'Warrior's Mates') but I am me, a 23 year old, fun loving girl. I love to live my life at fullest and enjoy every second of it. You get to live just once, and you can't waste in thinking what others will think. I love the zeel and vibe of life. I am a big movie buff. I love watching movies.

Where I live?
I live in a small town named Roselli, weird name right? But there is a legend behind it. There was a girl named Roselli, and she was in love with a guy named Roman, they were madly in love, but Roselli's father didn't approve of their love and married her off to some wealthy guy. cliché right? Roman was so heartbroken that he committed suicide by jumping off a cliff into the sea, calling out his love before jumping. Since then this town is lovers paradise, lovers around the world come to visit the spot Roman jumped from and call out their lovers name. Huh? I don't believe in all this I am in love of this place cause it's my home, there are some pristine beaches, underwater activities, amazing nightlife.

My family?
My father died when I was 12, and then it was just mom and me. I was my dad's little princess, he pampered me a lot, he was a fisherman, once he went out in the sea, and he never came back. I miss him a lot. After him, my mom had many flings with all the tourist that came to our town, as she worked in a tour and travel firm. Finally, she found someone who was ready to take her as his wife, and she left with him. Luckily, I was 18 by then, so I was on my own. I am not much close to both of them.

My friends?
I can die for them, we are a close group of friends together from kindergarten. We enjoy, we live, we go for adventures, we have fun.
There is Mike, he is married now and has a daughter whom we all adore.
Then there is Stephen, my bestie, he is helping his dad with his business, and he is super rich.
Stacy, she is the star of our group, supermodel and my roommate. After mom left, I asked her, ok, fine! I begged her with lots of crying n drama to convince her to move in with me.
Aarti, a real beauty, she is an artist

And me, I am the agony aunt of our group, I have done my degree in management and I am working as a personal assistant to the CEO of Carter Industries.

My love life?
You need to read this book to know.


Hey Readers, I am starting with my third book, I want to thank all of you for giving me love and confidence to start with this story. Hope you all will like this one too. Please vote and comment

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