Chapter 29- Is There Any Hope?

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Sam lead the others further into his shop, wanting to give the royals space. He didn't want to ruin the moment they had waited for, for so long.

"What do you mean Dream's gone?" Puffy immediately asked as soon as they were out of earshot. Her eyes were wide with panic, something she rarely ever showed.

"He just disappeared!" Tubbo exclaimed. "I thought he would be here... He would never leave without saying something, would he?" He was on the verge of tears. Ranboo was quick to hug him, hoping to provide some kind of comfort.

"Now do you believe me?" Karl glared at Sam.

Sam couldn't believe it, Karl was actually right. "It's actually happening again..." he whispered. 

The kingdom wasn't ready for that. They were just recovering from the last war, now they were going into another one. But this time it was different. The shadow was powerful this time.

"We need to inform the king as soon as possible." Karl crossed his arms, his expression annoyed.

Kristen rolled her eyes, muttering something under her breath.

Sam immediately glared at her, "Don't you dare insult our king."

"You obviously don't know your king very well." she commented, glaring back.

"I know him very well." Sam challenged. "He's one of the best kings this kingdom has ever seen."

Kristen laughed, a very hurtful laugh. "Then I'm afraid you've had terrible kings."

"You have no right to say that!" Sam shouted, not understanding what she was exactly getting at. "You don't even know him."

Puffy seemed to snap out of her worry, "Kristen..."

"I know him better than you think." Kristen spat, hurt lacing her words. "Trust me, I wish I didn't..."

"You little-"

"SAM!" Karl interrupted, making him snap towards him. "Can we focus on the war that's coming? We're already at a disadvantage as is. Let's not make it worse by standing around arguing."

Tubbo whispered, "Will Dream be okay?" He looked towards Karl, terrified of what he knew the answer was.

"I don't know." Karl replied honestly. "Schlatt was okay... but he had more control and less power." At Tubbo's broken look, he added, "But we will do everything in our power to bring him back, alright?"


"I promise." Karl offered a smile.

"Let's get going." Puffy began.

"Are you serious Puffy?" Kristen interrupted.

Puffy sighed, "It's Dream-"

"Yeah and it's Phil. Didn't we agree never to get involved with him again?" Kristen reminded her. 

Puffy thought for a moment, before glancing at Tubbo. "Yes... Look, we can't ignore this Kristen. I'm not doing this for Phil, I'm doing for Dream. When it's done we can sail off again, alright? But I can't- I can't live knowing I could help him when I chose not to."

Kristen shook her head, "I'm leaving then. I'll take the reward and go." She moved, but stopped at Puffy's voice.

"What about Tommy?" Puffy questioned. "I thought you wanted to help him? He's part of this too now."

Kristen hesitated, taking a deep breath. "I do want to help him..."

"Then let's help." 

"But what if..." Kristen stared at her, trying to blink away the building tears. "I can't do it again Puffy- I can't."

"I know." Puffy nodded, understanding her friend's pain. "You don't have to. We just have to help, alright? That's all."

Kristen closed her eyes for a moment before nodding, "Okay."

Techno appeared, with Wilbur and Tommy behind him. "What's the plan?"

"I'll tell you on the way." Karl said, "We need to go now." He lead them outside and towards the stables. 

Sam followed, trying to comprehend everything.

What happened between Phil and Kristen?


Hope you liked it!

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Hope you have a wonderful day!


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