Chapter 72: Weddings, Fake Names, and Ex-Flings

Start from the beginning

"You're right he really does look like he's having a heart attack and a stroke at the same time," Warren stated. 

"What? What did you tell him?" Hank asked suddenly turning toward me.

"Nothing," I responded a little too fast. 

Sometime Later That Night

Everyone had migrated to the dance floor and people had officially let loose. Alex seemed to fit back into the group as if he had always been here. The Summer's parents had long since left allowing Scott to let loose his unique dance moves. 

I was dancing close to Hank when he suddenly stopped looking over towards the school. I turned my head and followed his gaze. I spotted a red-haired man who looked vaguely familiar. He started to walk closer and I finally figured it out, he's the guy who was with Hank at the Bachelor party. I never found out who he is. 

Erik apparently also saw him because he quickly left the dance floor and practically ran towards the man. Erik grabbed onto the man's shoulders and the two had what looked like a very heated conversation. 

"Hank, what's going on?" I asked concernedly. 

Hank turned and looked at Charles. 

"How did he know about the wedding?" Hank asked. Charles just shrugged his shoulders. 

What is going on? Who is this guy? Why is everyone freaking out? If Hank didn't tell him about the wedding then how does he know?

The man managed to push past Erik who literally chased after him. The man made a beeline for me and Hank. What is going on? 

"You will not ruin this wedding!" Erik yelled. 

"Hi, I'm Sean Cassidy! It would appear that dear old Hank here forgot to tell you about me," This Sean man spoke. 

"Hank? Who is he?" I asked getting increasingly concerned. 

"I'm Hank's ex-boyfriend," Sean announced. 

He's what now? Why did this not come up? How long ago was this? How long were they together? Okay, I am officially freaking out. 

"You are not my ex-boyfriend Sean! It was one time over twenty years ago! Do not make this into something bigger than it is! You disappeared for almost two decades and then you show up and get me drunk at my Bachelor party and then crash my wedding and lie to my wife!" Hank spoke sounding uncharacteristically angry. 

"You're right, but I do love the attention! Erik had the right idea calling me!" Sean spoke. ERIK!? 

"Erik, what the fuck?" I asked. 

"He's exaggerating! I only invited him to the Bachelor party to lighten things up! I DID NOT TELL HIM ANY DETAILS ABOUT THE WEDDING!" Erik defended. 

"Oh, Hank told me all about the wedding. I think it one of those, what call them? Fred slip?" 

"It was not a Freudian Slip! You got me blackout drunk and interrogated me!" Hank rebutted. 

I thought through everything that had just happened in the past few minutes. Hank was in shock and he seemed to be telling the truth. Erik tried to stop him, although he did invite him to the Bachelor party. 

"Sean, was it? What exactly are you doing here AT OUR WEDDING? Completely uninvited, exaggerating details about my HUSBAND and my BEST FRIEND!" I asked shocking everyone into silence. 

"I wanted to see my friends again, I miss this. All of it. I came to the wedding to show my support for your marriage. I'm happy to see that Hank has moved on and is hopelessly in love. So you can imagine my surprise why I put the dots together that you have no idea who I am! I think that you should know about what happened back in the '60s. I went about this all the wrong way, but my heart was in the right place, I promise," Sean explained. 

"Listen, Sean, I don't really care where your heart is right now. Please leave our wedding, you can come back and try again when we get back from our honeymoon," I spoke. 

Sean looked like he was about to say something else, but he stopped himself. He turned around and left. The rest of the wedding guests went back to dancing, but I needed to have a word with two people. Hank and Erik followed me to a quiet corner. 

"Erik, you go first, please explain yourself," I demanded. 

"I got competitive. I know how Hank acts when he truly gets drunk and I know Sean can get him drunker than anyone else. I wanted my party to be better, so I played dirty, I'm sorry," Erik explained. 

"Understandable, you do have a reputation. Please refrain from getting my husband dangerously drunk for petty reasons," I offered. 

"I didn't think there was any reason to tell you about Sean. We had a one-time fling, twenty years ago and I haven't seen him in over fifteen years. I shouldn't have kept this from you, but I promise you now know about everyone I've been with, no more secrets," Hank apologized. 

"Fine, that makes sense. I understand. Now back to the wedding, I'd prefer to not have Sean be the most memorable part of our wedding," I spoke. 

"You want something memorable? I have a few ideas we can talk about," Erik offered. 

Sometime Later That Night

We had finally agreed on a memorable surprise for Erik to arrange. Everyone was laughing and having fun, but it was time to switch things up. Hank gave Erik the signal. Erik raised his hands and used his powers to lift everyone off the ground and then launched us into the lake. Everyone was surprised at first, but they all rolled with it. Everyone continued to dance and laugh in the water. 

"Little warning next time, my glasses could've came off," Scott yelled. 

"Scotty it's fine, the bride is indestructible," Alex replied. 

Peter looked around like he was getting an idea. That's never good. Peter started to run and soon was running across the surface of the water. Then his feet slipped and he fell face-first into the lake, causing a loud slap. 

Sometime Later That Night

The wedding had winded down and now everyone had gathered in the main hall of the school. Hank and I went around gave goodbyes to everyone. We finally grabbed our bags and opened up the front doors. 

"Have fun, but not too much!" Erik called out after us. 

"Ew dude those are my parents," Warren spoke. 

"Those are your what?!" Alex yelled alarmed. 

"We should probably getting going," Hank whispered.

"Yeah, now is definitely the time to run away before they start questioning us," I whispered back.

I tightened my hold on my bag and we both raced off towards the car. 

"First one there gets the window seat!"

"That's not fair, your legs are like a mile long!"

"At least you have human feet!"

Author's Note:


Thoughts on this chapter?

How do we feel about the whole Sean situation?

I tried a new format for the title of this chapter, do we like it. Each chapter would have three things that foreshadow the events of that chapter.

Also, shameless self-promo! I posted the first chapter of my new X-Men Oneshots book. It's an enemies AND lovers with Erik. 

Thank You!

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