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~~still Niall's pov~~
Megan started grabbing my ass and making it more heated , I pulled away before it got too intense. It didn't feel right, it felt so wrong.

I turned around back to the bar to see April was sat down at the bar, tears in her eyes. She looked the other way. I turned about to Megan, she looked at me and smirked, then she walked away saying "your good Horan, give me a call". She slipped her number into my back pocket, i ignored her comment and went over to April. "April, what's wrong?", she ordered 10 shots at the bar and had already downed 5. "Nothing Niall", April got up and left the other 5 still on the tray. I picked them up one at a time, downing them all.

After about 10 minutes I decided to go and look for April. There was still paint coming out, people dancing and drunk people all around.
I looked over in the corner of the garden, it looked quite over there. No paint, just people sat having conversations. Among the people, saw Callum and Mike sat with an upset April.

Mike was hugging her, his hand on her back but it was too low for my liking. Callum had his hand on her thigh. They were all sat down on a picnic bench, April was in the middle. I quickly walked over to them "April Whats wrong?" I asked. This so called fun night hadn't turned out that well so far, April was upset and I had no idea why.

"You being a dick" Mike replied as he looked up at me. He knew how to annoy me. "Fuck off Mike, I was talking to her" I snapped. April looked up at me " I am fine Niall, don't worry" she said wiping her eyes.
I got down on my knees so I was at eye level with her, "no your not, clearly you aren't. Come here" I said, holding my arms open. She fell into them, sobbing hard into my neck instantly. Calum and Mike looked pissed off, they got up and left. Scowling at me as they went.
April cried for another 2 minutes.

"You okay?" I asked her and she removed her head from my neck.
She nodded and wiped away her last tears. "Let go" she said standing up and heading to the dance floor/middle again.

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