I don't laugh, only stare at him with a deadpan expression.

"Ok, ok." Will tightens his grip on my fingers which are still locked around my phone. "Put it down and come sit with me."

I let go of the phone, but I don't go sit down. I fold my arms and watch as he walks to the bed with a stiff gait and sits down carefully.

I can barely wait for him to sit down before exploding, "If not home, just where were we going to go?"

"Well, home eventually. But to check on a few things before that." Will clasps his hands and lets them hang loosely between his knees while avoiding my eyes.

"Check on what?" I ask, tone steely.

Will finally meets my eyes. "The body."


I clench my jaw and spin on my heel to spring down the stairs, leaving Will in the bedroom.

He didn't kill anyone. There is no body. Will wouldn't do that. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He didn't kill anyone.

"I didn't kill anyone," Will echoes my thoughts. "But there is a body."

I'm done with his half-answers. He needs to talk straight. I hear our suitcases pounding on the stairs after Will as he drags them down behind him. I breeze through the halls and past the kitchen, to the door closest to the glass elevator. I throw open the door and run around the corner of the house to the glass elevator with Will hot on my heels.

"And just where do you think you're you going?" Will asks.

I spin around after jamming my finger into the open door button. "To the body. Come on then. Show me this body you're so set on 'checking.'"

Will drops the bags and takes my face in his hands. "I didn't mean I wanted you to check on the body. You can stay in the elevator, I just need to make sure it's still where I left it."

That sounds an awful lot like he killed someone. He isn't doing much to help his case with me. Anger overwhelms any other emotions like unease or trepidation. "So you're willing to cut our honeymoon at one night in order to go look at a dead body, but you don't want me joining you! Whyever not? It's the most romantic thing in the world, that! If you're going to see a body, then I'm coming too."

Will tilts his head with an unenthused, sardonic stare. "Do you really believe that's a good idea?"

"I don't even believe there is a body," I spit, stepping back into the elevator out of his reach.

There can't be a body. I refuse to believe it.

Will stares at me agape, letting his hands fall to his sides. "Ok, then. Let's go to the body."

"Ok." I step back and let him enter with our bags.

He puts them inside and comes in himself before hesitating. He looks at me with a guilty expression. "We probably won't be back here for a while. Did you want anything else?"

He gestures faintly at our bags to show that's all we have right now. I grind my teeth. "No. Now take me to this body and maybe on the way you'll explain how it became dead?"

"I didn't kill him," Will responds quickly on reflex.

"Yeah, I've got that, but you don't go to all this trouble when someone dies on their own."

Will flinches at my cutting tone. He's never heard me speak like this, it's a remnant of my life before living in the factory. You had to stand up for yourself and survive. Sometimes that takes a sharp tongue, and I've never been very good at reigning mine in even though I try to be gentle with Will.

Rising Dawn (Willy Wonka X OC)Where stories live. Discover now