Chapter 8: Don't Make It Stop

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Today's September 2nd, 2016, which was also the last day of summer. 2016 was also the new year after 2015. I packed up my luggage earlier and headed to Jin Jihee's house for a sleepover. The reason is because me, Jin Jihee, and Bona were going to Atlantic City for a Labor Day weekend concert and for our last summer vacation.

    When I came into Jin Jihee's house, I saw Jihee watching her TV sitcom, High Kick Through The Roof, and reenacting the best part when Jung Haeri begged Jung Gyobin to stay with her. Wow, she was such an awesome actress. After that, Jihee came back to her senses as a normal teenager and greeted me. She said, "Oh hi, Hyesun. You're here for a sleepover, right?" I nodded my head yes which made her squealed.

"Yikes, that's awesome. I've been waiting for you so long so I reenacted my best part in High Kick Through The Roof just for fun."
Then, I chuckled and asked, "You're so funny, Jin Jihee. Where is Bona?"
"Um, Bona is in the basement, exercising and listening to her popular song, Secret. Oh, and here she comes," Jihee responded as Bona went upstairs from the basement. Bona also made us suffocated in her workout bra and leggings.

    She also made us remain calm when she gave us an alluring smile and said, "Hi, Hyesun. I didn't know you're here for a sleepover." I waved 'hello' at her and handed her and Jihee 3 tickets for a Labor Day weekend concert, which would be held on September 3rd, 2016, as well as 3 flight tickets to Atlantic City, 2 days and 1 night. We couldn't help but jump for joy and squealed in excitement. This would also be the first time Bona and Jihee flew to Atlantic City for a Vietnamese concert.

    After that, I took my pajamas and made a decision which room I would sleep in. Then, I decided to sleep in Jihee's room, which made her agree at first. However, Bona popped in and said, "Why didn't you choose me as your roommate? I want to sleep with you guys, too." Three of us laughed and I said, "Okay. Looks like I've changed my mind. How about we can sleep together in Jihee's room? Arasseo?" Then, I prepared another pillow for Bona and made the bed for the three of us. The next morning, we packed up our luggage and headed to the airport, and we were ready to set sail.

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