Chapter 43

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The dusky dark clouds raged the evening sky of Seoul city. Everything seemed gloomy and depressed. Except for one person--Kim Taehyung.

"Why aren't we going to my apartment, Hyungsikieee hyung?" Taehyung asked as he whined holding the older's arm as he was being helped by the other to walk ahead.

"As I told you, Taetae, your apartment was sold months back." Hyung-sik replied as he chuckled slightly because the younger boy really loved that apartment.

"I won't forgive Gum--that dumbass for selling my apartment to a promoter." Taehyung cursed loudly as Hyung-sik laughed a little.

"It's okay because it isn't that far away from your reach, Taetae. It's just a matter of time." Hyung-sik replied with a warm smile as the thought of Jeongguk crossed his mind though Taehyung seemed completely clueless.

"Why am I staying with you and not Seonie hyung? You're talking in riddles nowadays." Taehyung asked as he rolled his eyes, murmuring something under his breath.

"Because your Seonie hyung has a packed schedule and just because you are discharged doesn't mean you don't need someone to watch over you. Also, I am more handsome than your Seonie hyung, who wouldn't like staying with me?" Hyung-sik explained as he giggled looking at a stubborn Taehyung.

"There you go, just like Jin hyung. Ah, I guess it's fine. Seonie hyung needs to work properly now, I know I disturbed his career a lot." Taehyung said as he sighed a little.

The world wide handsome person's name left his lips subconsciously without his own notice though Hyung-sik did but he purposely let it slide because if picks up the topic, Taehyung will be simply confused and nothing else.

"Stop it, Taetae baby. It's not your fault and Joon-hyung anyway doesn't mind it." Hyung-sik replied as Taehyung smiled softly.

"Welcome to my humble home, Taetae." Hyung-sik said as he opened his apartment's door widely.

"HUMBLE? THIS IS YOUR HOUSE NOW? YOU HAVE A PENTHOUSE NOW? WHAT THE HECK?" Taehyung yelled as his eyes were open wide.

"Calm down, you shouldn't stress or get excited much, Taetae." Hyung-sik said with immense worry as he hugged Taehyung protectively.

"I am going to live here like a king now. You better follow all my orders, peasant!!" Taehyung said in an authoritative tone, giggling.

"As you say, King Taetae." Hyung-sik replied as he bowed a little, laughing as well.

Hyung-sik felt extremely happy seeing Taehyung so happy even though he knows that the boy's head is a whole mess. After Jeongguk left the hospital, Taehyung seemed so lost and he looked gloomy. Taehyung didn't ask any questions nor did he question any of them about Jeongguk yet because Hyung-sik knows that the questions will come soon.

Taehyung smiled and giggled happily while talking to them yet they all noticed how his eyes didn't sparkle, how his smiles and giggles didn't reach his eyes. It's not like Taehyung noticed it but others who were so close to him did.

They were in a huge problem when five other boys came rushing to the hospital yesterday and desperately yelled at them to meet Taehyung but they looked so shocked and heartbroken when they were told that Taehyung doesn't remember any of them. They kept asking, begging them to let them in, the situation would worsen if Jeongguk didn't come and explained the situation to them.

Jeongguk. Hyung-sik feels like crying every time his mind reminds him of that boy. He was so sad, he looked totally broken. He just didn't seem heartbroken, his entire self seemed broken. He looked so tired, he looked so hopeless. But the boy was strong, so strong. He was putting up a strong fight against something that wasn't in his hand but Hyung-sik knew how he was doing it. Love. His love was keeping him strong. He had immense faith in his love.

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